Chapter 48- Beautiful

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Chapter 48- Beautiful

"It takes the loss of something to learn the value of it."~ Samirah Zaman

Kayla's POV

My body shakes as I look down at the distance from this height. My tears fall one after another as the leave streaks down my face. I wipe them away with my jumper sleeve. My heart thumps and I close my eyes for peace. His face fills my head and I feel a snap in my heart. I feel the ache that has been there these last few days. I shut my eyes tighter wanting to see just the dark not his blue eyes. I open my eyes and see nothing but the crashing waves below. I look up and see a distant figure. I squint my eyes trying to make out the person. As they get closer my heartbeat picks up. I recognise the blond hair and those bright eyes. He nears me and I call out for him. He smiles at me and picks his pace up. He calls out for me and I let out a laugh of relief.

He's still here.

He open his arms and carries on running towards me. I open my arms awaiting his warmth. He carries on running but then I remember the 15ft gap between us. I call out for him to wait but he doesn't. He screams to the world that he loves me and I let out a fluttering laugh. His smile widens. He's almost near me but the gap is in the way. He picks up his pace and I tell him to mind the gap. He halts to a stop. I beg him to come near me and he does. He floats over to me and I watch in amazement. How can he do that? He stands before me and I yearn to touch him. I raise my hand to feel his warmth but as I do he disappears. I look around, frantic. I call out for him again but he's nowhere to be seen.

"Lucas! Where are you?!" I scream.

"He's not here anymore Kayla." I turn my head to face Anna. She has tears streaming down her face.

"He is! I just saw him! Lucas!" I call out again.

"Kayla come on. Please. You know he's gone. You were just imagining things. Please just take a step back and come back home with me."

"It's not home! Not without him! He can't be gone! He's just joking around with me. Lucas come on baby! The joke is over now. Come back to me."

 "Kayla. Don't do this to yourself. He's gone. He got stabbed remember? Just step back and come back with me."

 My tears fall harder as I take her words in. He really has gone hasn't he? "Do you know how it feels to lose someone?"

"Yeah, I do. If you want to talk then let's go back to my house and we can. We're all here for you Kayla." From the corner of my eye I see her take a step towards me.

Without taking my eyes of the waves I speak, "Don't come any closer Anna. Losing someone you love hurts so bad. It feels like whenever you think about them you are being crushed and I hate it. I hate that I can't close my eyes without thinking about him or without seeing him. I hate that I feel this ache when I see something that reminds me of him. It hurts so much and I hate it. I hate feeling so weak and vulnerable. He wasn't supposed to leave me Anna. He was supposed to protect me and love me. He was the one person I could rely on. Our love was unbreakable. We were always told we were going to get married. He was my best friend and lover. He was my perfect other half. I wouldn't change him for anything. But he's gone and I hate it. I hate life. Why do the good always suffer? Why don't the evil ever get punished? I wish he was still here. He would always do whatever he could to be with me when I felt alone and now I feel I should do the same."

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