The Information

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Hawks Pov

I woke up in my bed to the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand next to me. Light barely emitting from the door leading to the balcony viewing the city, indicating it was still somewhat late or very early in the morning. Grumbling, I grabbed my phone and clicked answer, with a very loud and angry voice on the other side.


"Ow, shut up not too loud please god dammit!" I sounded back angrily as I could, for having just woken up my voice was hoarse before continuing, "Let me go back to sleep flame brain."

"The league of villains attacked an hour ago, they want you, there with me and a few others now!" Endeavor said, slightly less loud, but still agitated nonetheless.

"Okay, okay, god dammit, where do I meet you?" I asked quickly getting out of my bed and glancing at the clock reading; 3:35am. Fuck me man.

"On the corner of Dryer Street and Forkland Avenue." He sounded through the phone before hanging up on me before I could reply.

I sighed, as I tiredly rushed out of my bedroom struggling to put my hero outfit on, opening the set of balcony doors before leaping off and diving towards the ground with my wings tucked close to my body. The cold wind rushing through my hair and feathers as I eventually opened them wider, gliding towards my destination. A flashy sign under me caught my eye and suddenly an idea popped into my head. I landed swiftly on the ground right near the flashy sign, which was a good fast food place for the best fried chicken. If I'm going to be late anyway, I might as well have more than one reason for it.

I walked inside the 24hour Chicken Bitz and ordered my usual: the extra large BBQ boneless chicken wings. I got the spicy kind this morning since I needed a way to wake up faster. I stepped outside hearing the sirens in the distance, oh boy, better get moving.

I launched myself towards my original destination and landed wobbly as if I was drunk; beside Endeavor who only scowled at me. I waved at Edgeshot and Mirko who also seemed to shake their heads at me in disapproval.

"What?!" I questioned, "I'm here aren't I?" I said before stuffing another chicken wing into my mouth.

"Hawks really??!! Is this why you're late?" Mirko replied, smacking me on the back of my head, following behind Endeavor who was walking over to the head policeman.

"Hey, it's not my fault! I'm fucking starving, it's early in the morning and he only called my like 20 minutes ago!"

She sighed and replied, "Yeah I'm hungry too." her face angled to the ground not paying attention and almost walking into Edgeshot. I leaned the chicken tub in her direction, offering a chicken wing and shaking it lightly to get her attention. She thanked me and grabbed a few and also started eating it.

"Hey Edge?" He turned at the sound of part of his hero name and looked at me. Then he looked at the tub of wings I leaned in his direction. He glanced at Endevor who was walking back to give us updates and more information on the scene before us. Giving in to his hunger as well he grabbed one. And I stuffed the last few into my mouth with a giggling Mirko beside me.

"So apparently Shigaraki was seen with a few others which include Mustard, Mr.Compress, Muscular, and lastly Kurogiri. They infiltrated three local banks in the area, our team is getting information about this bank, the last one to be hit." Endeavour filled us in.

"Did anyone get hurt?" Mirko asked, glancing at a few ambulances

"Thankfully not many, and those who were injured only have minor scrapes, most of them were knocked unconscious. And the use of Kurogiri's quirk allowed them to hit fast and escape fast." He continued.

"Any more of those Nomu things?" I asked, curious because I'm not wanting to fight one this early in the morning, or ever for that matter

"As far as the witnesses say, there was no sign of any Nomu's."

"It's a weird team up though, I mean why bring Mustard. Was he not pretty low on their ranks?" Edgeshot asked.

"Where are you going with this?" Mirko asked, and I continued, knowing where Edge was heading towards.

"He means why bring someone whose quirk is to knock people unconscious rather than bring that pyro guy to burn everyone alive? They are merciless crime lords not some petty criminals. Why go rob a bank when you can kill a couple thousand people at the concert across town?"

I looked over towards the leaving ambulances and some police cars, lights fading leaving us in the light of a few street lamps and car headlights. I drifted my eyes towards the bank itself, nothing seemed wrong. No flames and it didn't seem like it was forced entry as there were no explosions as far as someone could tell.

"HAWKS!" Endeavour's loud voice brought me back to reality, "Are you paying attention?"

"Does it look like it?" I asked smugly, rolling my eyes as being awake this early was already physically draining enough, never mind having to do my job at this hour.

"Useless bird." He muttered as he turned away, barely audible but my enhanced hearing caught it.

"HEY! Hawk's is not useless!" Mirko and Edgeshot said in unison in a slightly annoyed voice.

Endeavour glared at me as if I was the one who said that. Making me feel uneasy under his cold blue eyes."

He's done more than you at least, any one of us could have walked over and got the information to pass onto the rest of us, plus he brought food." She stated, giving the same intensity of a glare back towards him. Who only gave in with a huff and left.

"I'm sure he'll let the other teams know what information we got and see what aligned and what doesn't. But while he goes and does that; I'm heading back home, I'm still fucking exhausted." I explained, before taking off to the sky and heading back towards my apartment. The cold air flowed back through my feathers once again, sending me shivers throughout my whole body. Seeing puffs of warm air meeting cold, like an ice dragon every time I take a breath. Fuck I hate the cold so much. I'm not looking forward to winter and it's only early November.

I landed back onto the balcony of my penthouse apartment and walked through the doors I left open a few hours before, shivering as I went inside. Closing the doors behind me and my once warm apartment was now just as cold as it was outside. I eventually found myself wandering into my bedroom and in front of my closet. I pulled out a large fluffy blanket and placed it onto my messy bed; rearranging the messed bed covers before pulling the fluffy one underneath with me. Hoping to keep the cold edge of the mattress off my tired body. Then I drifted to sleep.

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