According to plan

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Inside meanwhile both the villan's sidekick and hero are staring each other. Eye to eye, both are transmitting warnings towards each other.

"Go away! I am warning you. Otherwise you yourself would be responsible for your coming here. "

"I am not going away without your Sakhi. I am gonna take her with me. And if possible, her friend as well. Take one get one free. My master would going to be very happy. " A malicious smirk emerged on his lips as the words escaped from his mouth. Oh dear! He doesn't know who is he messing.

"Oh really! Is your master disable person. Can't walk himself and come. My both lovers here are very special you see. More then a queen. They will not going to go with a mere guard of the weak monster or demon."

Here both girls enlightened by the the infamous Lord Vishnu's infamous style to provoke. In which he actually got success.

"My master is much more capable here. He don't want this girl to get hurt and terrify with his way to capture her "

Sakha chuckled

"Terrify? And my Sakhi? " A mocking scoff escape his lips.

"Haven't your master told you the number of times SHE took him down. Oh let me guess! Why would he do that? If he do that than he would not be your so called master. Dude wake up! He can't go against his nature. And that is of a whimp, a coward. Maybe you should change your master or you can become your own master."

"You are saying too much right now don't you. But when I capture her then we will see who is whimp, my master or your sakhi or you Mr. Divine."

"STOP! " A soft feminine voice echoed in the room grabbing both male's attention.

"For your Information you mere monster. First of all my Sakha is not at all whimp. Secondly, your master send you only to get rid of you. Because look, can't you even check the facts before coming here. Don't you know what happened inside the bunglow of Rahul. Where a monster in his disguise TRIED to take me down, but instead what happen to him. The one who you are saying a whimp had killed him. Along with all the monsters or demons whoever came after me, killed by your own master if they fail. If the passed My sakha would not let them even celebrate."

Now this add the oil in fire. If the monster was comic character you can literally see the steams coming from his mind as his blood boiled with true facts of his master.
He got provoked.

Madhav knew what's gonna come so he already secured every wall with his powers including his both girlfriends making a wall of shield around them just with his eyes blink.
So that Monster's power wouldn't not affect not only house but also the people outside the room.

"You are not considering my warning. Now bear the outcome."

"Yah yaah! Can't you guys be creative now. I am literally listening to this dialogue from eons. " Again the sakha's calm personality complimented by his one of his incredible talent to provoke just added the stars making both girls fell in love with him more. There Sakha was in Hero mode and on other hand both Sakhi's switched to fangirl mode.

The fight started throwing energy balls and laser lights and every time Lord Vishnu's energy defeat the other's one. But this time Monster is not normal. Seems like he also doesn't like Sakha a bit just like his Master and was actually powerful.

They can only stare him with love in them, totally forgetting the evil presenting in the room and let that divine love consume their heart and mind. But they are the lovers of this era, which made both of them switch to cheer girls.

"East and west! Sakha is Best! East or West Dakha is best! Madhav is best. Yo! Madhav is best!
Go Sakha! Go Lordy! "

Both monster and Madhav halted their actions immediately and their gaze turn towards chearing.

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