I love her

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Vrinda was roaming around in a deep forest, lost and without knowing what she is doing there. She was swiveling her head to recognize where she is. The leaves on trees around and on ground was swaying as the air brushed them in slow motion. The area was dark but the light of moon showering on the forest making the things around her visible enough.

"Sakha! Where am I? How I come here?" She muttered. She was not terrified but confused.

"Vrinda!" A deep masculine voice called her from her back.

She turned around on her heels, but found nobody. The air turned into chilling one. She sensed the uneasiness into the surrounding.

"I have heard somebody's call" she muttered while looking deeply through the woods to find that person.

"Vrinda!" Again that masculine voice called her and Vrinda, acknowledged about that it was not her imagination.
"But how does he know my name?" She thought. Curiously, she started moving in the direction of voice. Twigs snapped beneath her steps. She scanned the area, the voice had lead to her. The area was wide, had trees around in a circle and a kind of Stone Altar in the middle. The twig snapped due to movement. She diverted her gaze to the sound and saw someone's silhouette behind the trees.

"Who's there? Hello! Who's...." She was in the mid when she saw the person who called her came in front. He was wearing hood on head due to which the face was not recognizable. He was tall with muscular toned body which can be seen through the black t- shirt, tightened around his body. He was wearing kind of a black jeans with boots and long hooded trench coat which was front open.

He groaned making Vrinda feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" Vrinda asked frowning. Her instincts told her not to move forward.

"Vrinda!" He called.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Apprehension started running in her senses. She turned around to get out, but that person furiously came in front of her and grabbed her wrist.

"Leave my hand."
An evil laugh escaped from his mouth.

"Who are you?" She asked struggling to make herself free from his tight grip.
"Got you! Now nobody can save you." He said in harsh voice.

Vrinda frowned and again he laughed evilly.

"Sakhaa!" she yelled. He was laughing continuously and started dragging her with him.

"Leave me! Sakhaaa!"

Suddenly the person with dusky hands grabbed her another hand and made that person stopped on tracks.

"Now who will going to save you!" He said in challenging tone.

Both turned their head to him. Vrinda's gaze landed first on hand, then started travelling upwards making the way towards his face. The person had dusky complex and have beautiful ornaments on fingers, wrist arm, and then her gaze came on his neck. But suddenly, she fell down and woke up. She groaned in pain. Her eyes opened and she found herself on the van's floor.

She groaned in pain and got up.

"Sorry for the rough turn vrinda!" A familiar masculine voice said.

She frowned and the person who was driving turned his head to her.


"Good morning!" Mayoor said

The flashback of last night struck in her mind. Her feeling, then moving out to the roof, swinging, then somebody's hand on mouth. She realized, she has been kidnapped.


"Oh! That's all your plan?!" Anant said as Karanveer told him about the plan of Shekhar and Rajeev.

"Yes! But we didn't know that, it would gone wrong like this. I can't believe that rajeev murdered our team" shekhar exclaimed.

"We should not only think about why Rajeev murdered those officers but along with this, we have to find Vrinda" Anant said watching Shekhar.

"And Madhav also" Karanveer concluded.

"Yeah. Right" Anant said realizing that he didn't mentioned Madhav.

"Hmm. You are right Detectives. My team has already out to find both."


"Mayoor. You find me. Thank god! But how did you find me out?" Vrinda asked happily.

"Long story Vrinda. Why don't you just relax. We are going on the place which is out of reach of those peoples. Then I will tell you everything." He said coldly.

"Which peoples?"

"Gang members. They kidnapped you. I'll tell you everything but for now just relax"

Vrinda was not assured with his words. She saw out of the window and way seemed familiar to her. She recognized the way which lead them to the highway by taking some turns but Mayoor took wrong turn which would lead them more deep into the forest.

"Mayoor. You took wrong turn." She informed in normal way.

Mayoor, without replying again took wrong turn, which lead them more deep into forest.

"Mayoor what are you doing! You are taking wrong turns."

She sighed realizing might be he forgot the way.

"Ok. There is another turn coming which could lead us on right path" She informed. Mayoor without replying sped straight lefting that turn behind and again took wrong turn.

"Mayoor! What are you doing! Stop the van!" She yelled

Mayoor gave a sly smirk to her.

"Mayoor stop the van I said"
Mayoor, exasperatedly, stopped the van. He then turned to her, grabbed her hairs tightly and struck her head aside. Her eyelids got heavy. Her vision was getting blurry slowly and then she blacked out.

"Have you tracked her?" Raghav asked to Mohan who was sitting on the sofa in hall of Raghav.
Mohan shook in response.

"Why?" He asked with a slight vexation in his voice.

"Because she don't have that eagle heart locket. When I headed to her, palak not only told me the news but she gave me that locket also."

"I have tried everything. But I could not locate her. But don't worry, police would find her."

"Police! In front of there eyes that kidnapper kidnapped both Madhav and Vrinda."

"Relax Raghav! I haven't give up. I am still trying."

Raghav clamed himself down and sighed.

"Mohan! You are helping alot. But this time the situation is not under control. Now, I have to do something. I can't risk her because... I love her." He said in his mind with the determination which coated on each n every word he said.

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