The Pendrive

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Anant and karanveer were arranging case files at their shelves properly. A Pendrive dropped from the Anant's table as he was picking some papers.

"What is this Anant? You haven't told me about this Pendrive" Karanveer asked as his eyes landed on Pendrive which he picked up and showing to the younger.

"Sorry Bro! I forgot to tell you about this. This I found in Meenakshi's home office. I went through it but just found some of the old picture's and copy of some personal documents. And some information which I gave you like that the place of jungle was once owned by Purushottam"

"Oh! It's ok. Have you find any further information? "

"Nope! But there is just one folder. Which was not at all opening at all, I clicked it alot of times but it didn't open."

"What folder? " They heard the familiar voice from the direction of entrance.

"Raghuveer sir?! I mean Mr. Raghav" Karanveer corrected himself as he realizlsed not whole office know about his true identity.

"Hello Officer! I just come here to meet up with you guys! "

"Oh! We are just arranging the files back"

"What folder were you talking about? "

"Actually I found a Pendrive in Meenakshi's office and found a folder which was not opening"

"May I see it. Might be I can fix it."

Anant went to the table, pick the laptop which was on screensaving mode and attached the Pendrive. The dialogue box popped up showing to open the entire Pendrive folder. He clicked on OK and showed it to Raghuveer pointing towards the folder which was at the middle. Due to so many files might be to make the people ignore the folder.

"This one! " Anant said pointing the cursor.

Raghuveer clicked on it and it got opened making both brothers frown.

"How? I have tried so many time it didn't open" Anant asked confusingly.

"It's ok! Let's figure out the 'why' " Raghav said and found only one video file. He clicked on it and the Video showed Priyanka's video.

"Look at the date! It's of her murder"
Anant said as his gaze observed it.

"She made this video before she got killed! " Raghuveer said earning nod from brothers

In video she was looking terrified as hell sitting on study desk of Meenakshi's.

"Raghuveer Uncle! If you are watching this I might be killed. I know I called you but I don't have time. Uncle it's about the power you have. I know I told you about that but it has related with one more thing. Due to this power your life is in danger. Uncle he know you are alive and hiding and now he is after you because he wants to sacrifice you, to make her mother alive again"

The information made the trio totally shocked.

"What?!" They three exclaimed in unison.

"He is after Vrinda as well. Not because she is your daughter, but because she has the ability to kill him. Her powers are developing. And the worst part is, he is planning to sacrifice her as well. Obviously, Vrinda still don't know this fact about her. Please protect her! He sent someone in school to check on Vrinda and you won't believe who is he. He is Rahul. Vrinda's friend. He is with monster. Besides, Mayoor's brother was also included in it. Please Uncle don't let him win. Train Vrinda before they reach her. " Suddenly she started to choke her own throat.

"Ugh!aah!Oh my god! He has come. He applied magic. He can't kill me due to your powers but it can control me through his negative powers which he got after killing Mom. Please be safe Uncle! Good Bye! I am not bad!" And with that with a lot of struggle she stopped the recording.

"Oh Mahadev! What the hell was that? Sir you have to explain us! " Anant demanded completely confused with new information.

"Exactly sir! I am totally agreeing with him" Karanveer said making Raghuveer sighed.

"Sit! " He told and they obeyed dragging both of their chairs and sitting in front if Raghuveer.

" I got power, due to which I am protecting Vrinda and Aditya. I got the power from Methali after her death. And she got the power from none other than Shree herself, I mean the Mother of Monster after her death. Due to that power only she was able to fight with Monster. After her death the power transferred in me because I was the one near her during her last breathing. Through this power I was not only protecting them but you guys and Mohan as well so that the one close to me could not get harmed and not only this, it also help me in hiding my identity and made me untraceable. Through this power only I was able to know about Anita's intentions. All we tracked these stuff because Priyanka and Meenakshi has many books about black Magic stuff which belongs to Priyanka's Grandpa. Priyanka learnt so many things from their and this helped me alot. Negative will kill negative."

Both brothers was sitting with open mouth in shock.

"When is eclipse? " Anant asked

"This 15th ! We don't have much time then. I have to prepare Vrinda. " Raghav said.

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