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"LEAVE HER NOW SIDDHARTH! You have me and Sakha. Now leave all of them alone" The tired voice of Vrinda came out from her mouth. She was poweless but still fighting. Not knowing what to fo how to do she just attacked siddharth by grabbing him through throat. She was about to make a move but again a cry of pain and a masculine voice of her sakha who called palak in stress made her halt.

Siddharth was in the grip of Vrinda and he started laughing making himself free first and the laugh converted into a victory to a mocking one echoing through the forest.

"Now what dear Sakhi! You gonna kill me? " Siddharth mocked and again started laughing.
Vrinda was about to strike him but a painful masculine voice stopped her and now it's Siddharth who caught Vrinda.

"Leave both of my love now Siddharth. You already saw what we can do. I am warning you again" Vrinda warned but Siddharth was enjoying this.

Finally he got what he wanted. Finally now he could get so many powers.

"Oh dear Vrinda! The show has just started. Do you wanna see more. Slowly slowly the darkness of my place will reach the town and take all the residents' soul to me" Siddharth happily told.
Hearing this Vrinda's eyes widened and locked with Sakha.

He was stoic again.

But she prayed to him for town's safety.

Sakha's eyes dropped and this Siddharth caught. Excitement built inside him and he laughed like a maniac.

"Oh poor Sakha cannot save the town now?! It's all your mistake, it was suppose to be you and Raghav to be sacrificed but your Sakha saved you. Now bear the consequences dear Sakhi" Siddharth mocked.

"Watch carefully Siddharth! " A stoic filled tone of Sakha reached in his ears and his head subconsciously obeyed.

"A drop of blood is enough, to open the layer of the Underworld I have made. A drop of blood is enough to spread my negativity. Just a drop of blood"

"That drop of blood will become your step towards destruction Siddharth" Madhav said struggling in the grip of monster

"You know Madhav. I love how powerless and helpless you are. Don't worry. After sucking the Soul of people out there I will kill you, your Sakhi and that palak too. " Siddharth 's voice held proud. Confidence that there is no way he would get defeat in this. Because this is completely created by him, with so much hard work, even before he came in town to find Raghav and Vrinda. His own underworld. The dark underworld which was powerful enough to cause a havoc.
If anything goes wrong it can cause mayhem in near surrounding. He even knew that this fact is known by Madhav and that is why his eyes were continuously mocking Sakha.

"Now face MY rage" And with that with his sharp nails he dug his own flesh creating a way to let the blood out and dropped down. As soon as the first drop of blood touched the floor, it spreaded on land in a big circumference and instantly vanished.
Siddharth with Vrinda, and other monsters with Sakha and Palak got back to clear the area.
The land got cracked exposing a beam of light coming out from them. Vrinda and Palak were shocked. Their expression held cluelessness. Madhav was stoic, watching everything calmly.

"I am still warning you Siddharth! Stop this. Otherwise it would turn in your death" Madhav warned again but instead of fearing Siddharth laughed enjoying the state of them.

"Just shut up! Now see the consequences Sakha. See the consequences of your interference. See the consequences of you saving your sakhi. See consequences you caused Madhav and let me enjoy"

"It's better you enjoy. Because these are your last moments Siddharth" This time it's Vrinda who spoke and actually Siddharth was not surprised. He already saw her avatars so this was not a big deal for him.

He just laughed. He was obsessed with this behavior of her and that is why he wanted to make her his and her divinity his.

"She is mine" Sakha said reading his mind.

Listening this the monster gripping Madhav tightened his grip earning a growl from him

Meanwhile the land almost teared apart, bit by bit creating a big hole containing black color lava whose illumination was spreading in nearby areas . Watching the scene both the girls were shocked.
The lava started to rise to come on surface and this terrorized both girls.

From the lava rise another multiple monsters and the remaining lava started to came up. The underworld was getting more and more deep and more and more big.

"This is my army!"

Sakha (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now