Sakha got Scolded

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"What! What were you officers doing at that time! You didn't even caught him" Vrinda was scolding the officers who were guarding Madhav.

"Vrinda! Just clam down. Madhav has already been kidnapped, so scolding them is of no use" Palak told vrinda.

"Ms. Vrinda, we will find Madhav and bring him back. The kidnapper must be the one who is obsessed with him" Rajeev assured.

Vrinda was about to say something in anger but clamed herself down.

"But what if the kidnapper were one of the gang member. Or gang members."

Rajeev didn't said a word as he understood that there is no use to assure her.

"Listen Officer. I don't want to react like this. But your team made me do. Now please just do whatever you want, I want my friend back" she said politely.

Rajeev understood and nodded in agreement.

"I am sorry Ms. Vrinda. I apologized for my negligence"

"It's ok officer. Just find him. I have already lost my two friends"
She told and realized after that what she said. This dawned to palak also . But vrinda neither reacted nor corrected her sentence.

"Yes Ms. Vrinda" Rajeev said, and than got up, turned on his heels to move out with his team. He went out the house and told his team to guard vrinda with more care now and sat in his jeep. He ignited his engine and started driving through the silent road. He was thinking about what just happened and the anger of Vrinda which made him grin.

"He was right. He told me she does not get angry much but when that happens, her rag took her best" he said and grinned again.


Vrinda was sitting on sofa, exasperated. She was angry, angry on officers who were guarding Madhav, angry on Officer Rajeev who told them that he would arrest the killer and gang members, angry on her sakha for not protecting her friend.

"Relax Vrinda! They were doing there duty." Siddharth tried to clam her down. He reached there after palak informed him about Madhav's kidnapping and last night's incident. He was sitting on the sofa placed beside the sofa on which vrinda was sitting.

"This kind of duty" vrinda said angrily.

"Vrinda! Your anger can't help them to get him back. They were finding him"

Lord Vishnu was sitting on the sofa beside her, relaxing his face on plam of hand which was resting on his thighs. And prepared himself for his Sakhi's rebuke.

She sighed, got up, walked towards stairs and headed towards her room.
She came inside, and along with her lord vishnu also came into room and settled himself at the corner of the bed. She took a deep breath to clam herself down and sauntered towards the window. Her gaze went to Madhav's house. She sighed. Her gaze then went to Lord Vishnu's painting hanging on her room which made her anger come on peak.

Lord Vishnu sitting at the corner of the bed changed his sitting position by again resting his chin on plam of hand which was resting on his thighs. And gestured from his fingers.
Three, Two, One

"Sakha! The Great Lord Vishnu. Preserver Of the Universe. I am angry from you and not going to talk to you. I have prayed for his protection. He was helping me, he fulfilled his duty as a neighbor. But what did you do, you let them kidnap him. " She walked towards his painting and pointed the finger towards him.

"You! Mr. Four Arms. Smile... common smile...and keep smiling like that only. I am not going to talk to you"

Lord Vishnu was continuously listening to her quitely like a child. And gave a mock wide smile as she commanded.

She sighed

She realized that her wrath was overwhelming her.

She released a breath and sighed to get herself clam.

But other than all of the above reason, she was angry from herself. Because of her Madhav draged himself in this.

"Actually..... It's my mistake. It is all my mistake. Because of me he draged himself in this. If I does not strike that pervert, this all dose not happen."

Lord Vishnu got serious. Serious on his Sakhi's words. He shook.

"One minute Sakhi! Stop it. You can blame me but not yourself. You have done absolutely correct thing. Please don't blame yourself" he softly said this. Vrinda felt that. She felt her sakha was telling to not to blame herself. Her heart told her that she did right.

"You are right sakha. That was not wrong. Nothing was wrong. They were wrong. How could those person kidnap him!"

She got quite. Took a deep breath and wished

"I want to embrace you my Sakha. I wish that you were here."

She opened her arms widely.

"As you wish my Sakhi" said lord Vishnu and he too opened his arms widely. He walked towards her

"You are everywhere, in everything, in this air also" she felt him and closed her arms hugging the air but actually embracing him. Lord Vishnu too closed his arms around her and embrace her back. She thought it's her imagination that she was feeling him. But actually she was embracing his Sakha.

"Don't worry Sakhi!. Just wait and watch" he said and grinned.


Madhav was unconscious, laying on small bed placed at the corner of the room beside window. He moved a bit before he got his conciousness. His eyes fluttered before opening completely. He got up and analysed his surroundings. He found himself in an empty dimly lighted room with dark blue painted walls and one window which was closed. Suddenly he heard click sound like somebody unlocked the door lock. The door opened widely which made the bright light enter inside and made Madhav's eyes got close again. Madhav brought his hand in front of his eyes to prevent too much light due to which his eyes got hurt. He opened his eyes slowly slowly and found person, whose figure was dark due to the light, standing in front of him.

"You woke up! Good job!" The person said

Madhav's eyes are now fully opened not hurting anymore due to light. The figure came closure to him. Madhav now saw who the person was. He frowned.


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