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Karanveer, Raghuveer and Anant made their ways through the gates. Recently they were residing in the Raghuveer's secret hideout. As siddhaeth now knew that Raghav is raghuveer,his first hideout where he was residing has been exposed. So they shifted to second one. They opened the main door and was about to greet but halted on their tracks as they saw the fighting.

"Hey that's my ice cream sandwich!" Palak shouted chasing vrinda who was having the packet of I've cream sandwich.

"Nah! Sorry pal! But You have to win this" Vrinda said after taking the ice cream sandwiche packet from fridge and made a run immediately knowing the fact her best friend would chase her.

"You biggy sandwich stealer!" She shouted as she was not failing in getting her bestii in her grip.

"Hey guyzz! Please let me sleep. " Madhav shouted from living room. He was getting a good sleep on the swing placed in living room near the garden door after having a 'secret meeting'(😂) with Lord sheshnaag.

"And you butter stealer! "Palak yelled.

"What did I do now?" Madhav asked innocently.
( Author: His krishna face which nobody can resist *sigh*)

"Don't you both act innocent here. You earlier ate whole butter and now your neighborh stole my ice cream sandwich"

"Vrindaa! That's bad thing! Bad girl." Madhav Said playfully.

"No no! I am V! I am a good girl " Vrinda said making innocent puppy face playfully. Both devotee and God knew they succeeded in making palak annoy.

"And sandwich stealer" Palak said pouting.

Raghuveer after watching this facepalmed.

" What disaster is this? " He asked

"Dad! What are you saying what disaster? "

"The kitchen and living room is totally...... Clean" Palak replied but saw the actual mess they created. Everything empty packet and boxes was on floor as she used them to hit Vrinda but Vrinda always succeeded in doughingdoughing and they all ended up on floor.

Everyone facepalmed. Now it's Palak's time to make innocent face.

"Hehe! Sorry uncle! I'll clean this. But this has been caused by your daughter. She took my ice cream sandwich. "

"Aww! Don't worry kiddo! I'll buy you whole bucket of your favorite ice cream. "
Raghuveer said making palak squeal in happiness and making Vrinda's mouth wide open in shock.

"That's not fair! " Vrinda said pouting.

Meanwhile madhav went into meditation again making everyone think that he was sleeping. He was looking like a baby which made both girls cooed on him.

"Is he tired? " Anant asked.

"He actually taught us some fighting techniques few hours ago."

"He started your training?! " Both brothers exclaimed in surprise.

"Yup! Obviously that monster is after Vrinda. So it's basic that she should know how to fight back and not just defence"

"Actually we want to talk to you guyz about the monster and training thing." Karanveer announced grabbing the serious attention from both the girls.

"What is it? Is he become powerful?"

"He s become powerful Vrinda but they might be talking that why he was after you, because you can kill him." Madhav said while eyes still closed, making the male trio totally shocked.

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