Raghav's Truth

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In Hospital Karanveer and his team was waiting for Anita to get consciousness back. He took his mobile out and dialed a number of Detective Shekhar.

"Hello! Detective! I want to tell you something about your case. I want to meet you" Karanveer said and waited for reply.

"Ok! I'll see you in office" He said and hanged the call up.


Vrinda was dazed. She doesn't know what's going on and confused with the many feelings rippling through her. First, that unknown feeling she was feeling from starting. Secondly the feeling of confusion that her teacher loves her, which she didn't expected not even in her dreams. Thirdly, what Mohan was doing there, how does he know her teacher and inspite of being known about the love towards her, he was not taking action. Her mind was filled with questions.

Mohan's eyes went on wall in front of hall. He located three shadows and got scared.
"Who is there?" He yelled. They both got up from sofa and Mohan went towards the hall to check in a fast pace. His eyes got widened.

"You!" Mohan said in a low voice.

"Mohan Sir!" Raghav heard Vrinda's voice and his eyes got widened. Mohan got aside to unblock the vision of Raghav. Raghav got shocked as he saw them. Anant pulled his gun out and said.

"Your Game is Over!"

"Vrinda! Detective! I will tell you everything." Mohan said while making his way towards Raghav and stood beside him to handle the situation. Vrinda ignoring that unknown feeling, asked.

"What my photos are doing here Raghav Sir? And what have you said?! You... love me?!" Vrinda asked clamly pointing towards the Wall where her photos were hanged. The wall now clearly seen by them as their position got changed.

"Methali Raghuvanshi!" Anant said as he saw Vrinda with her in some photos.

"She is my Mom." She answered.

"Detective! She is daughter of Raghuveer Raghuvanshi" Raghav said clamly.

"What!" Anant and Madhav got astonished and turned their head towards Vrinda.

Vrinda frowned.

"Why are you both astonished?" Vrinda asked.

"Raghuveer Raghuvanshi! That great officer. I have heard about him a lot" Madhav told.

"I'll tell my reason later. Right now, Raghav have to answer our questions?" Anant said watching towards Raghav.

"I think this is the right time Raghav. We have to tell them the truth" Mohan said in suggesting manner.
Raghav got tensed a bit and Muddled.

"What are you thinking Raghav? Just tell them. We don't have any choice" Mohan told.

"Mohan is right Raghav. You can't lie to us. We have heard everything."

"I'll tell you Vrinda. He is the one whom you love so much." Mohan told. Before he could say anything further, Raghav cut him off.

"Let me tell them Mohan. Vrinda! I am.... Your father" Raghav said making Vrinda and Anant got dazed.

"What!" She said

"Exactly Vrinda! He is your Father, Raghuveer Raghuvanshi" Mohan said.

"But...but he is no more" Anant said frowning making Vrinda got more puzzled.

"Exactly! He is no more" Madhav said in agreement.

"I survived in that fire, but her Mother didn't." Raghav said.

"Why should I trust you?" Vrinda asked.

"You are lying." Anant said still pointing his gun towards Anant.

"You wouldn't but he will." Raghav said to Vrinda gesturing towards Anant. Anant and Vrinda frowned. They both looked at each other.

Raghav suddenly in a fast pace put his hand on Anant's back side of the hand in which he is holding gun, put his another hand on gun and pulled the hands in opposite direction. He got the gun and unloaded it.

"Lesson no. 1, Don't remove your eyes from Target. Remember ?" Raghav asked smiling.

"This move. Big boss!"

"Big boss?" Vrinda frowned.

"Vrinda! He is Raghuveer Raghuvanshi."

"Dad?" Vrinda asked with a frown.

"Yes Vrinda! He is your father" a familiar voice caught their attention coming from the door. They all turned their heads.

"Adi!" Raghav located her brother standing at the door.

"Chachu!" Vrinda said

"Aditya sir!" Anant said.

"Vrinda! He is right. He is your Dad and my...Big Bro" Aditya said while coming towards them first gesturing towards Raghav through his eyes and then met eyes with Vrinda.

"You are my Dad?!" Vrinda said turning to Raghav. She couldn't believe that her father was in front of her, standing and smiling.

Anant and Vrinda both filled with tears of joy, ran to Raghav and hugged him tightly as Aditya proved Raghav correct.

"One minute! How did you know my Dad?" Vrinda asked from Anant.

"Kashyap Brothers were my youngest junior Vrinda.They were in my team. I sometimes used to train both of them personally. You both never ever came in front of each other at that time. Only your mother and Aditya knew about them." Raghav answered.

"Wow! Raghuveer Raghuvanshi is standing in front of me, alive. I couldn't believe it" Madhav said joyfully.

Aditya's eyes went on Madhav and he frowned. "I have seen you somewhere! Have we met before?" He asked

"Oh! I forget! Dad! He is Madhav....." Vrinda said taking Madhav beside her. Aditya frowned. He was thinking where he saw him.

"Your Neighbor and Saver" Mohan cut Vrinda off.

"Finally you believe me" She said sarcastically.

"Sorry! We haven't. But probably you have seen me on the way somewhere. But I have heard about you also. You are his younger brother and helped him in many cases." Madhav told

"Yeah! You are right" Aditya said with a geniune smile.

"But sir! Why are you living like this? Why have you changed your face and profession? You have a power of police and your honesty." Anant asked with genuine curiosity.

He sighed.

"I tell you everything. Why I choose this Life? Why I stay away from you? I'll answer your every 'why'. Vrinda! I know you were attacked by those Monsters. And Mohan also knew this"

"What!" Vrinda frowned as she couldn't believe that her dad knew this and Mohan inspite of being known of her attacks didn't believe her.

"Why?" She thought.

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