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"Where am I?" Vrinda asked from herself. She was standing on a cliff watching her surrounding trying to recognize the place. Suddenly her eyes widened in realization.

"This place....this place came in my dream...Why am I here?" Her forehead got creases in confusion. She shifted her gaze from ground to sky. The sky was beautiful, filled with so many stars, and the full moon was shining. Suddenly a shining peacock feather appeared in sky. Amazement struck her. She got clam and watched the peacock feather with a smile. For the time she forgot everything and her gaze not allowed her eyes to shifted anywhere. Suddenly the dark clouds came, engulfing the whole sky in there darkness. Vrinda frowned. The sky became more and more darker and suddenly the breeze of air turned into storm making her totally confused. Her mind didn't even got a clue about what's going on.
Suddenly she heard a horrible laugh through the dark clouds.

Vrinda got more confused and little bit affraid. A huge horrible image emerged in dark clouds. The image was coming forward slowly to engulf vrinda into its darkness making her more affraid. She doesn't know what's happening. Suddenly the same peacock feather came through the darkness slitting it apart through its shine making that horrible figure confused. The shine of the peacock feather increased and the feather flew in a circular motion around the figure. The figure tried to catch it but failed. The speed and shine of feather increased​ making the darkness destroyed.

Vrinda woke up with a jolt sweating.
She recognized that it was a dream.
Her lips automatically said to herself "duhswapne smar Govindam"( Think govind after having nightmares). Her breath was heavy, but got clam down after the sentence.

She felt happy and her senses enjoyed the feeling causing by the above sentence.

"Wow" she whispered smiling.

Suddenly she realized that the holidays were ended.

"Sakha(Friend)!! The school is boring, but not until you come as my teacher and teach me" she smiled at the painting of Lord Vishnu like a child.

Her subconscious mind used to imagine her friend in her each and every teacher.


After pooja she got ready for the school and packed her bags.

She prepared breakfast for her alone. Her parents died due to fire caused by short circuit in their farm house five years ago. But she had no pain for that. Instead of that, she was happy that her parents got rid of this dark era. They didn't have to face the sadness and pain the only thing given by this world. She knows very well that each n every creature in this universe was a soul not it's body. She lived with her uncle Aditya Raghuvanshi, but does the job for her day to day expenses. Her father Raghuveer Raghuvanshi was Police Inspector and her mother Methali Raghuvanshi was Surgeon. Her uncle used to work under his father but now under someone else.

She sat on dining table and offer the breakfast to her Lord Four arms.
"Oh my sakha! Please Accept this!" she requested and started eating her breakfast. After breakfast she made her way to the cupboard consisting shoes, slipper and sandal and took out a pair from it. She slipped on her shoes and after washing her hands, hung her bag on shoulders. Her legs took her at the back of the house and her hands grab her bicycle.

As she got out from the house, she struck with a strong feeling that someone was staring her. She looked around but no one was there. This thing didn't scared her a bit but her heart felt it very weird.

She start chanting "Ram", not because of feeling weird or someone was watching her or she wants his protection. But because it's her routine thing. She doesn't even loose a single second to chant his names and mantras, and do this for him only, not for herself.

As she started​ chanting the Ram name, she got deep into love and felt love in breeze, in chirping of birds, in each n every thing even in the too much evil intentions of the one who was glaring at her which was unnoticed as her mind busy imagining him. She didn't felt that the one who was glaring had very evil intentions towards her.


She reached her school and parked her bicycle. Her eyes took a look of her surroundings intended to find her friends but unfortunately no one was there​. She went through the path inside the school campus. Other students was also there but again felt that someone was staring at her intentionally and at this time disturbance got her and she started chanting Ram name. But that feeling was coming even after chanting and feeling love in it. Suddenly her palms felt something in them and which calming her and got closed converting into fist. She was holding an index finger which was of blue in colour. The hands were invisible to everyone even to her also. They belong to someone who was wearing yellow clothes and sparkling jewells along with divine garland and peacock feather. His eyes were sparkling contained with concern. She was holding Lord Vishnu's finger like a child hold her mother's finger. Her lips converted into upward curve as her heart felt that someone was with her right by her side protecting her.

Lord Vishnu's eyes filled with seriousness​ indicating that he would not let anybody hurt her, giving the evil one the warning. But that thing could not be seen by the evil one who was staring her, because Lord was invisible for everyone .

He whispered​
"Nobody can save you Vrinda! Nobody!" He chuckled slyly.

Lord Vishnu knew that and said determinely "You misused my name. But now I have come. And you have to face me. Now nobody can save you from me"

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