Nobody can save You

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The bus stopped at the stop and vrinda came out from it. She walked through the footpath not intending to take anymore medium to go home. She came to the road which gone silent at noon time due to the office time of owners of the houses beside the road. She felt somebody's​ eyes on her. She saw here and there not founding anyone. She started walking. She felt something again. She heard someone's footsteps. She saw the ground and found someone's shadow stalking her. She saw back while walking forward slowly but again there was no one. She came to cross a huge Neem tree. As she turned her head forward a horrible man came in front of her. He was hanging upside down from tree. Vrinda screamed.
She got affraid ,wasted no time and ran away making her way to her house chanting raam name. She got bumped into someone. "Raaaam raam raam" she closed her eyes from her plams in fear.
"Vrinda!" a familiar voice called and shook her.
She slowly remove her hands and opened her eyes chanting raam name at the same time. Her eyes widened in happinesses.
"Madhav" she hugged him tightly.
At first Madhav was still for a bit but after a moment he hugged her back in concern and asked "what happened? Shhhh.. just clam down...." Vrinda got clamed down and pulled herself apart. "The horrible person of Saturday night...he came here also...h..h..he tr..tried to hurt me" she stammered.

"Vrinda...shhh.... don't worry..." Madhav tried to clam her down again. She felt something at this but didn't recognize the type.

"Vrinda!" a familiar voice called her from back. She turned to get a look.

"Sid?" She frowned. Siddharth was coming to them.
As he approched, he sighed in relief.
"Sid? Why are you here?" She asked.

Siddharth took out a black colour diary from his bag and gave it to her.
"Your notes... it's very important for today's homework and for studies also...I have found them at beneath of your desk...It shouldn't​ get lost..thtzz why I have came here"

He explained.

"But I have called all the three of you at my house at that time you could give me." She told him

Siddharth showed her his watch. She saw its already 2:55.

"Oh! I have reached late today because of the bus and the work of stationary" she cursed. She was feeling continuously something but didn't recognized it yet and ignoring continuously.
Her eyes shifted to madhav who was talking on the phone. He hanged up his call and approached to them.

"Seems like you are alright and got a I am leaving now" he said.

" Oh yes! By the way sid..he is MADHAV" she said stressing on the word.

"Madhav! told him what happened on Saturday night. He didn't believed me from which creatures you have saved my life. But but but, not here, at my house, come! " she told as she walked ahead. Lord vishnu was standing on the roof of a house beside which they three were standing and watching them smiling. "Vrinda!" vrinda recognized the voice and looked back
Rahul and palak was coming towards her in car and stopped beside Siddharth. Palak saw madhav. The glint of sudden happiness came in her eyes. She smiled as she noticed his charm.
"Common! come and sit" palak said cheerfully.
Vrinda approached them and told madhav to sit as well. Madhav gave a 'what will I do in between you all?' look to her but she gave 'just come, please' look to him back. He shrugged and followed her. They all got settled and then rahul drove the car through the silent road.

"What were you three doing there?" Rahul asked while driving.

"Long story" She said

"Wow then you should tell me, coz I luv long stories" rahul said joyfully. Vrinda felt weird at this but ignored.

"By the way Guyzz he is my friend madhav. Because of him only I am here and the rest of the thing I will tell you at home" she concluded.

"Hello madhav" palak said waving her hand in air.

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