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Room was silent without any reaction and response. Siddharth was standing there in front of his magical screen with an expression like somebody just dropped a bomb on him.

"Boss! I just recovered only this much. It is taking time. " Monster who was working on that energy ball told making Siddharth came back from his astonish moment.

"Take your time but I want to know everything inside this. And you know I don't want to hear you failed. I hate failures" Siddharth said in cold evil merciless voice making each n every monster presented in the room terrorized

"Ye.. Yes.. Yes B.. B.. Boss!" The monster replied. How could they deny even if he ordered them to sacrifice themselves. He can't hear No nor he could take any negativity against him and his plan.

Master Mind laughed like a maniac making everyone in room surprised. He was jubilent as he come to know about who The Divine Man is.

"Don't worry! You did a great job! " He told wearing an evil smile which made the Monster calmed down a bit.

He then made his way towards out of the room and then his room.

"Boss!" His man called him as he came in front of him.

"I have done what you said. That mud of our place is now highly negative and I have put that into our latest weapons, which now become more powerful and with that you can easily defeat your divine enemy. "
He told with pride producing jubilence in Siddharth

"Oh great! I am impressed. Now as a result I am awarding you with the power you never imagined." He said as he raised his hand creating black smoke.

"Madhav! You are a divine person!"

He laughed again.

"And you yourself told me this thing?! Madhav! Madhav! You don't even know that I already sent my man to capture you. But I accept, your plan was amazing, to keep vrinda away from me, but...... You know you are not that intelligent, as you yourself invited a danger for you, by getting more and more close to Vrinda. Besides, I have planned a great thing for you."

He laughed again

"Boss! " His man called.
He turned his gaze to him and the man informed.

"The Serpent is here, with Madhav"
He laughed like a maniac again.

"Send him IN!" He ordered which his man followed as he went out and after some seconds the Serpent King entered with Madhav in his arms.

His gaze went on unconscious Madhav which satisfied him a lot as he finally captured the biggest constraint of his way.

"I did what you said. Now leave my wife."

His gaze went on Serpent with a doubt.

"How do I know that it's not a plotting again, to defeat me? First of all you have to give loyalty test and then only, you are allowed to go"

"Loyalty test?"


He closed his eyes, chant something and put his palm on Serpent's head and started watching his memory of Serpent capturing Madhav.

Sakha (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now