Killer is Not Normal

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"This is very Shocking. Rajeev is a murderer and...Gang Leader" Anant emphasis shockingly on Gang Leader. Vrinda was sitting there still with a shock. She was not able to say a word.

"If I about...Blackmail then I have to reveal...what I heard. That's why...Rajeev cleared my...records and I helped him telling you...about him. But that monster killed him. I...saw his murder." She paused as she was loosing her life slowly slowly.

One more shocking information made Anant's eyes got widened. He was shocked that Anita saw murderer murdering Rajeev.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Anant asked.

"Because...I was scared. I was...scared of Police. That night...I come to know one...more thing." She Her breath got heavier.

"What?" Anant asked

"That Rajeev's and Meenakshi's murderer is same."


Mohan was driving towards Vrinda's home. The road leading to Vrinda's house was as usual silent. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he thought to receive when he stop at Vrinda. He reached there and before stepping out from car. He took the phone which buzzed second time. The caller ID showed name 'Raghav'. He received.

"Mohan! I know you are at Vrinda's but come back, because she is not home. She went at Anita's with Detective Anant" Ragahv informed

"One second! How do you know that she is not home and she is at Anita's house, with Detective Anant? And how do you know that I am at Vrinda's house?"

Raghav giggled.

"Relax! Relax! Too many questions. Don't forget who I am"

"Oh! Yeah! How could I forget? You can know anything whenever you want" Mohan said sarcastically which Raghav understand and giggled again.
Raghav was sitting on a Rocking chair in his Verendah and hanged up the phone. He smiled and took a deep breath.

"I think, this is the right time." A smirk of satisfaction came on his face.


"What! How do you know that they both are same." Anant asked with a shock.

"After murdering him...he said he did same...with him... just like...he did with...Meenakshi"

"Did you saw his face?" Anant asked quickly.

"No. Due to...darkness, I couldn't recognize his...face." Anita answered with tiredness in her voice.

"Can you tell me his appearance. His height, clothes, accessories?"

Anita nodded tiredly.

"Tell me"

"He was tall...broad...long hairs...wearing black jeans and...long trench coat. His face...was covered with...hood"

Vrinda's eyes got widened.

"It's same as I saw in my dream" She thought and filled with worry which Anant saw on her face.

"He done...this, with me. Vrinda! Your Life is in...Danger. He is after you. He would kill you" She revealed.

"Who is he? Do you know him?" Anant got shocked as he came to know that Vrinda's life in Danger.

"He is not...normal Detective Anant. You can't...fight with him. He is an...insane monster. He done...this thing to me. He tried to kill me. You should...go from here. Because he is here." Anita said making Vrinda lost in deep thoughts filled with anxiety which Anant caught as he turned his face to Vrinda. He hold her hand to make her relax. Vrinda felt something in his touch and turned her face to look into his eyes.

"Don't worry! I'll protect you"

Suddenly the Lights started flickering.

"He is not...normal murderer
Go from here both. You are not...ready right now. You should go. Just go" Anita insisted.

"What do you mean? Who is he?" Anant asked. But before Anita could answer, she passed out. Vrinda understood what she said and filled with fear. The lights started flickering again.

"I think she is right. We should go from here now. Let's go!" Vrinda hold Anant's hand and pulled him up after she got up and made the way towards the entrance. Anant with confuse expression, without saying anyword let her pull and drag. As they reached the entrance, the door got closed automatically on their face which made Anant frowned and filled more fear in Vrinda. They were just standing there then suddenly they heard the thud sound and turned in that direction. They saw the window which was open before a moment was closed. Suddenly, the windows on other wall started closing one by one. Anant's confusion was increasing.

"What's happening?" He asked, turned his head to Vrinda and found her worried and not terrified.

Suddenly he got pulled by someone in the opposite direction from Vrinda.

"Detective!" Vrinda yelled and caught his hand to stop the pull. But the force is more then her strength and due to that she was also got dragged along with Anant.

"Sakha! Help me!" She prayed in her mind.

Vrinda was doing her best to stop him getting pulled, and slowly slowly she was succeeding in pulling him back. Anant was also trying to stop the force. Suddenly she felt that unknown feeling again.

"Anant! Don't leave my hand!" She told as she felt the Anant's hand was slipping and ignored the feeling.

Suddenly, the pulling was stopped and due to force Vrinda applied, she fell down along with Anant who fell on top of her. There eyes met with each other and for a moment, they both were staring into each other's eyes. Vrinda's heart thumped in her chest as she realized due to her, Detective's life get in danger which Anant caught into her eyes. After a moment, they realize their position and found it awkward. They stood up quickly. Their eyes went on Anita. Anant went towards her in a fast pace and checked her pulse. Vrinda was watching him with hope in her eyes.

"She is alive" He told with joy. Suddenly a loud evil giggle echoed through the house. They swiveled their heads following the sound to locate the source. Anant stood up and stand beside Vrinda listening the laugh. The laugh came to hault.

"Did you heard that too?" Vrinda asked with a worry. Anant nodded.

"We have to move out and take her to the hospital" Anant told with a serious look. He quickly moved toward the door and tried to open but didn't get success. He punched the door hard. Again the laugh echoed through the house. Anant turned around and his eyes caught Vrinda's expressions.
Wrath came on her face. She yelled injecting the blend of confidence and rage which replaced terror.

"Coward! You are a Coward"

Anant frowned as he heard her words.

"You have a problem with me not with him. You are messing with me. Dare to come in front of me"

"Vrinda!" Anant said with confusion.

Suddenly an evil whisper echoed through the house. Both of them swiveled their heads again.

"I am with you, near you, in front of you. But you can't recognize me" an evil laugh escaped from his mouth.

"Who is he?" Anant asked to Vrinda.

Vrinda turned her head to Anant to answer and caught the horror on his face. She moved her head into the direction of Anant's and found what he saw. There was blurry figure behind the designer glass partition seprating dining room and living room.

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