Another Dream

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"What happened with Mr. Purushotam and his Daughter" Vrinda asked.

"We tried to find them but got no clue. " Aditya answered with disappointment.

"What happened after he disappeared?" Anant asked with curiosity.

"Then.." Raghuveer continued


Raghuveer got up, rushed to Methali and hugged her tightly.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
She nodded as they pulled apart and Methali also confirmed that his husband was also fine.

They went downstairs and Raghuveer tried to call Aditya but the network disturbances didn't gone.

Suddenly a male Horrible heavy voice reverberated through the walls of the house.

"Raghuveer Raghuvanshi and Methali Raghuvanshi! What did you thought that you make me got out from house so you won and saved yourselves!!" Evil laugh escape from his mouth and he continued.

"You guys would not get escape so easily" He laughed again.

"What do you mean?" Raghuveer yelled angrily. In response they just heard the evil laugh containing satisfaction of terror echoed through the walls.

"What do you mean?" Raghuveer yelled again angrily. But the laugh just continued and it's volume was getting up slowly making the glasses around them including of windows first crack and then shattered into small fragment. Terror got filled in their heart and they both hugged to become a shield of each other. Some fragment scratched them and some pierced into their skin. Shattering halted. They pulled apart with the little blood dripping down from the small wounds.

The strong smell of burning came in contact with their nostrils, allowing their eyebrows got squeezed in frown. They swiveled their head to locate the source and found walls of upstairs burning. There gaze caught the fire on downstair windows also, which was spreading very quickly and caught almost everything in their flames.

"The house caught fire and we rushed to secret passage, but a big piece of wood from railing fell on Methali's head. She was about to get unconscious but I supported her and we managed to escape from secret passage in the jungle behind our farm house. Aditya came there as he knew that if any danger would arrive in the house, we would escape from secret passage. He took us to the hospital and on way I told him everything. But unfortunately, before we securely reached to the hospital your mother lost her lots of blood and there was a shortage in blood bank of her blood group. She didn't survived and died. So to protect everyone, I made this plan of a secret life as Raghav Dixit to secure life of innocent people & yours and to investigate about it more. The Director of your school is Mohan's good friend and on his suggestion, he gave me job of a Maths Teacher. We had the doubt that Rajeev might told that monster about my family. But he didn't knew you are my daughter and Mohan as my friend. He only knew about Methali and Aditya as my family. Our doubt came true, when Aditya was also got attacked when he was on tour for case one year ago, but you didn't got any attack in that period, fortunately he didn't got much harmed. So, to hide you, by the time, Aditya and Meenakshi removed all the records which were contained information about me as your father and you as Raghuveer Raghuvanshi's daughter, to protect you. Even in your school records also, we have changed the Parents name. Aditya use to stay away from you and this city, not because of case but because of your protection. We tried to investigate about the Monster, his dad, his sister but didn't found much information. Meenakshi and Priyanka also helped me alot, but he killed both of them also just because Meenakshi fought against his Mother and Priyanka was her Daughter. Inspite of all this, that Monster is after you. He still doesn't know that you are my daughter otherwise he would mention it to you, but according to your statement your friend Rahul The Monster didn't mentioned anything about me and the revenge." Raghav concluded.

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