The Dream

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Full moon was hanged on the dark sky complimented by the stars, lighting the place under the sky and adding the sparkles to the lake which is at the bottom of the cliff she was standing. The beauty around her didn't succeeded in making her jubilant.

"Who are you? Why aren't you coming?
Please bless me with your divine appearance. Please make yourself visible to me.

She was continuously requesting someone while watching the dark sky.

Just then, her heart found him, her eyes got more curious as she started to feel his presence, she felt happy from within and let out a subtle smile. There was no one in sight, but she could feel the DIVINE presence.

Suddenly, dark clouds came and hide the moon behind them like curtain. Her eyebrows frowned and panick tried to take her over but the fear was gone by the sadness of his absence and joy of somebody's presence.

Sky getting more and more dark followed by the lightning strikes and after a moment thunderstorm had been started. Slowly slowly, the weather got more worse but none of them got in her mind which was happy just the mere feeling of his presence. But at the same time, she felt sad as he was not in front of her eyes. Her mind was fully lost in him.

Suddenly a loud burst happened​ making her come in reality. Her eyes glared at sky and panick took her mind as it was not figuring out what is happening suddenly.

And then....

An image emerged in front of her tearing dark clouds apart from it's light making her eyes close. As she felt comfortable, and jubilant suddenly, her eyes slowly opened with a curiosity to see him.

She was surprised. No words came out from her mouth. The tears started rolling down from her eyes, but that was tears of joy, her tongue wanted to speek but nothing couldn't form a single word.

That image. The image was.....

Of him

The one, who cares for her a lot.

To whom she gave her life, her each n every moment.

She was stunned, stunned to saw him.

His eyes were in shape of lotus, sparkling like a sun in quantity of crores, his lips having a smile which makes everyone hypnotized, his eyebrows were of diagonal shape from which he control the Universe. He have four arms, in the upper​ right one, he was holding sudarshan chakra(discuss), in below one he was holding kawmodki gada (mace), in the upper left arm he was holding panchjanya shankh (shell or counch), and in the below one he was holding lotus.

He was wearing peacock feather crown, a beautiful garland named Vanmala in his neck, had a U shape tilak in the middle of his forehead, peetaambar (yellow clothes) was looking gorgeous on him and wearing divine jewells. His hairs were dark and had a loose curles reaching down slightly below the shoulder.


She was helpless, helpless to say something. Her brain was not allowing her tongue as it was also busy in ordering her every senses to just feel him, see him, hear his swaying, sniff his fragrance like sandalwood.

He said something which she didn't caught.

"Wake up" he said. She frowned

Suddenly his voice start changing and turns into a robotic one.

"Vrinda wake up" her alarm rang.

She woke up with a jerk. Her gaze look here and there, tried to figure out her surrounding and realized that it's her room and that was just a dream making her face dropped in sadness

"Wake up Vrinda! Wake up Vrinda!" Her alarm was ringing continuously. She turned it off exasperatedly.

"It was a dream. Really!!!" She said annoyance with the blend of love towards him while watching Lord's huge painting in front of her, hanging on a wall. The painting was made by her.

"It's ok, at least I got an opportunity to see you in my dreams my FA" she said politely and smiled which was contained by pure love. FA stands for "four arms". She used to call him by different names made by herself. The four arms is one of them.

Her eyes went clock which showed 4:10 am

"Ok let's get ready" she singsong this and dragged herself to the bathroom. As she closed the door of the bathroom, the painting of lord Vishnu started smiling.

Beyond the sky, beyond the space, there is a divine world known as Vaikunth, where on the Cobra King Shedshnaag Lord Vishnu was laying with his eyes closed and his lips was smiling making Goddess Laxmi and their servants happy, filling them with joy. He opened his lotus eyes and smiled at his sakhi's (female friend) childish anger.

"I accept your anger which contains very pure love, you are still a child my Stubborn Sakhi" He chuckled.
But suddenly his smile faded away, replaced by concern of something, which is known to him, but not to her. Something which could be very very dangerous.

Note by author-

Hey guyzz..i hope you all are enjoying the story. This story is my first story and I hope you like it. Sorry for grammar mistake. Here is the image seen by Vrinda in her dreams

 Here is the image seen by Vrinda in her dreams

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And here is the painting

And here is the painting

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