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The time of eclispe is almost there. Under the almost dark sky forest is looking much scarier than before. Vrinda was observing every detail which seems to her like monster only. She was actually feeling lonely without her Sakha. The half human monster who was standing beside her while wearing ba sky smirk, went ahead and told.

"Are you going to come with me Or do I have to force you. "

"Are you going to shut your mouth or do I make you remember that you can't force me" She snapped.

"Oh really! Look at your miserable self. What you gonna do" Trying to getting bon her nerves, trying to mock her, he forgot who she is.

"What I can do! You can ask your Master, useless creature or you can ask from your friends who faced me. Oh sorry! They are not alive to tell you that"
Irritation was clearly seen in her tone, but fear, not at all.
This made the monster's wrath unleashed. He slapped her with his strength enough to made her lips bleed. To shut her up, trying to show who's more powerful here. But her wrath was no joke, as she knew how to control her emotions, due to this she took advantage of his wrath and now that useless creature's life was in danger. Does he know that?

Because next thing was he got punched directly on his face whose impact was strong enough to get him fly towards the entrance of the cave where he landed badly on spikey stones. What does he expected? Definitely didn't know this fact that she was trained by The Lord Vishnu. Her sakha. He should not have underestimated her.

"You did the same mistake what your friends did. That's why it is said you guys are fool. Atleast you should have learned it by now" She said coming towards him who was groaning on the mudy land.

"Now I think I have to make you come with me". She added with a taunt.

And with that she grabbed his hairs and started dragging him while chanting some mantras, inside towards the another entrance of cave which opens on that huge ground of black magic.

The mantras making him groaning more in pain. He felt like his body was burning but in reality it's his mind who was filled with evil. After reaching to the ground she was welcomed with the sight which sent chill down her spine. There standing her enemy, her reason of misery, her nightmare.

"Welcome Vrinda! I am glad you come" He shouted with a sinister smirk.

Vrinda didn't fear. Instead he grabbed the nape of the monster who was groaning beside her, lifted him up to make him stand and threw him towards Siddharth with enough force which made him land directly on the feets of her story's villain.

But this didn't affected him. Instead he started laughing which echoes throughout the place.

"Oh baby! You got a gift for me and I liked it. But.. " He paused. Lifting his gaze up towards her welcoming her wrathful look in his sight, he grinned slyly

"But I too have a gift for you. I hope you like that"
Vrinda frowned, but didn't got affected by that sly smirk. She knew something horrible going to happen and got her mind ready

Suddenly the air started blowing in speed making her hairs flew  backwards. She can feel that pressure on face and eyes and to prevent that her palms lifted up.

But her eyes got widened as her gaze landed in her surroundings. A gasp left her mouth as the scene was horrific. So many dead bodies of animals, birds and humans were hanging on the trees which are surrounding the area. As she land her gaze on each tree swiveling her head, her terror started to increase. How many killing he had done she thought in fear. They were horrible dried corpses as someone has sucked their whole blood making them pale like snow. Suddenly she grabbed her head due to a sudden pain like someone banged her head. A rush of vision started to come in front of her eyes. The visions of screaming of people, the visions of they were getting killed on same place, blood, sacrifices, killing, screams were coming in front of her eyes. She saw the suffering of past.

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