Preparation of Palak's Birthday

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The monster who attacked Vrinda was presented in the house of Master Mind, heading to the room connected to the corridor after living room. As he reached, he sauntered over to the mirror on the left hand side and stood in front of it, smirking. He put his hand on the mirror and slightly slide it upwards and the wall behind mirror got rotate along with mirror sending him to his destination, the secret small room which nobody knows. The room has racks containing jars, boxes, books and weapons. He started scanning every shelves and after a minute his gaze caught the pentagram image book and a unique jar with a beautiful lid on top on the shelf just in front of the book. He raised his hands making both objects float in air and came in his hand As the both objects got placed in his hands a smirk of accomplishment created on his face projecting his mysterious intentions.

"Now it's time for final result"
It's Palak's birthday and Vrinda had waited for this for long time. Her Sakha could witness her excitement producing in her heart. She didn't go to school and instead stayed at home. At 11 o clock, she went straight to Madhav so that he can drove her to Palak's and they both went to Palak's home.

"Hello beta! You are on right time." Palak's Mom Mrs. Sanjana greeted them

"Hey Aunty!"

"Don't call me Aunty Darling, call me Sanju. You forget every time" She said throwing her hairs back with hand trying to show herself cool.

Vrinda suppress her toungue between teeths.

"Sanju! meet my friend and neighbour Madhav"

"Hello Aunty! I mean... Sanju"

"Hey beta! Nice to meet you. Common let's go, we gave to arrange lot of things"

Palak was at school and it's easy for Vrinda to plan a surprise party. They both then with Palak's mom Mrs. Sanjana, went to their farm house. She planned a Masquerade theme for her birthday because Palak liked it a lot and did all arrangements in hall accordingly.

Madhav was sincerely instructing everything to Vrinda and Aunty for arrangements. He selected each n every party option like ambiance, work of lighting, music, etc.

"Beta! You both did an amazing, specially you beta(son) Madhav! " Aunty said as she looked the final results. Her voice was indicating excitement and jubillance boiling inside her and reflecting in her eyes.

"Aunty it's my duty. I am her friend too."

"Oh please! Don't call me aunty, call me Sanju. But beta listen! You have to do dance in this party, this is the main thing she likes in Masquerade parties."

By hearing that, Madhav got nervous which Vrinda caught. She feowned

"Ok Sanju! We will do it!"

"Yo! My Darling! You are amazing as always" Aunty said in excitement, but Madhav's nervousness was increasing. Vrinda decided to ask afterwards as Madhav was not saying anything so she thought it might ne wrong time to ask.

They got free and exited the Farm house, accompanied by Sanjana. As they drove away on road, Vrinda asked a question which was stucked inside her head from last night

"Madhav! Yesternight, I saw a shadow in your living room in the middle of the night. I thought it was my dream but... I guess not? Is someone in your house yesternight?"

The question made Madhav's mind paused for a moment thinking about the yesternight and he started searching for correct excuse.


Madhav's mind got diverted from road and a car was coming towards but Madhav turn the stearing on time to avoid it successfully. Madhav let out a huge breath.

"Hey! Are you alright? Where did uou lost? In farm house also You looked nervous when aunty mentioned about dance" She forgot her question as the nervousness on Madhav's face got her mind's attention.

"Vrinda! Actually.... I can't dance"

"That's it?! I will teach you"

"You? You know how to do it?" He asked.

"Offcourse! Not professional but very basics, don't worry, I'll teach you. But we have to do it now only"

"Don't worry! I am free today, take your time and teach me" He said excitedly.

They reached home and Madhav parked his car in parking. They got outside and then walked inside the house. Without any wait, they started.

"Madhav! Now watch me first. I will do it without song, and then with song. Alright?" She got a childish nod from Madhav.
She started a demo but not a single step entered in Madhav's mind.
He rubbed his head as watching a simple step like a very complicated Maths.

" Now you do, common you can do it! "

Madjav tried to imitate but, failed

"Ok! Watch me very carefully." Madhav nodded like a child student

She started showing him postures and position to copy to make it easy for Madhav and he did as she instructed. He tried to imitate but again failed. She paused Madhav in his current dance position.

"I'll correct it." And with that she went towards Madhav and corrected his posture, firstly correcting his hands, then straightned his body which was slightly bent, and straightened his face.

"You are forgetting a very basic thing in dance"

Madhav frowned

"Smile Mr. Naive! Now smile!"
She said smiling and Madhav did as she said. She found that Madhav's smile was actually very beautiful. Her gaze got captured in his smile with full concentration and her mind not letting her eyeballs move a bit.

Her mind got diverted. She felt that unknown feeling again.
A male voice called Vrinda from the direction of entrance distracted her mind.

"Vrinda!" She turned her neck to the voice and found Siddhartha standing beside the entrance.

"Hey Sid!" She said still standing in the position holding Madhav's hand and shoulder. As they found it, both reverted themselves in the normal position.

Siddhartha made a walk towards them and asked suspiciously as he reached.

"Madhav don't know about dance. So I was just telling him some steps."

"Telling him?!"

"Telling him, practically. Why are you asking like a spy? "

"No actually I am curious about why are you teaching him dance? "

"Actually, Vrinda has told me to do...." before Madhav could complete the actual answer, Vrinda cut him off.

"I told him to do a different unique dance because we were playing truth and dare and when he got dare. But he failed and it's my dare, So I am teaching him. But what are you doing here? I mean, you usually come to mine but this time you come to his?" Vrinda said making Madhav frowned as she cut him off.

"Actually! I went to yours but it was locked and from his entrance I saw you. So here I am. And I was looking for you because of two reasons, firstly, palak was very sad in school hours because you were absent and secondly, Raghav sir had given us homework today, which actually I am unable to solve."

"Oh! Ok! You made your walk to my door. I am coming"

Siddharth turned back and started walking.

"Why didn't you told him the truth?" Madhav asked in surprise

"My Naive Madhav! This is surprise, you know, don't you?" She replied with sugar coated words. She turned on heels and was about to walj forward but paused ann turned around.

"Hey! I asked you the question about someone's presence in your house last night. You didn't answered. Is someone in your house?"

Madhav thought a bit and answered.

"No Vrinda! It might be just your dream" He lied making up a smile to satisfy her with his answer.

Vrinda smiled as she got satisfied and walked outside.

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