The terror

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Meanwhile in house Palak was done with meditation and right now sitting beside Sakha, caressing his hairs, feeling the soft, keratin filled, silky curly hairs between her fingers. She can't help it but could not remove the worry about Vrinda and him. The others slept as they felt exhausted due to too much worry and after meditation they all find themselves in deep sleep. Okay! Not their fault they didn't know how to meditate and after 10 minutes their meditation turned into sleep meditation.
But Palak used to do meditation with Vrinda sometimes that's why she didn't slept instead feeling a little energised but worried as well. Can't help it when her mind knows how much dangerous the situation was.

"I hope you are fine my soul sis! " She whispered and casually turned her gaze towards the window which showed the view of dark forest wearing a facade of dark beauty. Who knows what's lurking behind those trees. It was tranquil yet really scary. But her gaze caught an alien movement. She frowned as a result and her mind quickly sent the signal of something fisshy. Unlike scary movies she didn't go to check what she saw and instead her hands quickly grabbed her Sakha's hand subconsciously in fear.

"Sakha! Someone is there. Please get up! Please! " She requested still looking towards the window.

"Unlike Vrinda I don't even know Hanuman Chalisa. What should I do?"

She asked while moving her eyeballs rapidly here and there which indicated hyperactive thinking.

"Oh yeah! I have unlimited mobile data." Thought followed by the flick of finger she quickly grabbed her phone which was proudly resting on the side table. Quickly pressing the power button which litted up the screen, she unlocked it and hit the google to search for hanuman chalisa. Whatever video first popped up she played that while connecting her phone with Bluetooth speakers which resting inside the room on the TV unit gracing the wall in front of bed.
As soon as it got played, outside the yellow tinted safe zone barrier which was fading now started to rise up again indication of it getting repair.

In forest lot's of shadows started emerging from darkness and everyone was equipped with the wepons there master provided. Their glowing red eyes saw the faint yellow glowing ball which was an indication of safety barrier started. By seeing this they started to head in that direction quickly. The other shadows started protruding from the ground and heading towards where other creepy army heading. After reaching at a far distance where there sight could clearly see the big black gates , they found a femenine figure standing with a glint of slyness in her eyes and her face having a gorgeous yet venomous smirk. They could see the far objects clearly.

"The game begins" She said as she glared up letting the scene of again fading glowing ball in her vision.


Siddharth's minions drew big foreign symbols to welcome the darkness on the ground in a circle covering the big area around coffin and platform. Vrinda was unconscious and not aware of anything happening around her.
After finishing the task those minions disappeared with a black smoke.

"Finally the moment has come. I have waited for it so long" He said as his eyes again converted into the sclera filled with lava and his appearances becoming terrible but glinting with excitement.

He closed his eyes snd started the chant. The symbols which drew a around the platform and coffin, started to glow up in dark purple with black Aura highlighting it, starting from the outer surface and spreading towards the center. As it reached the center the coffin for open up automatically and a horrible dead body which was half decomposed came out from it and started floating. At the same time that purple glow opened the binds of Vrinda and started to levitate her as well and stopped at a point. Now dead body and Vrinda's body floating parallel to each other.

Siddharth's eyes glinted as he observe how everything's going according to his plan. As soon as his eyes saw Vrinda's body started glowing and a yellow sparkling beam coming out from her heart which was going inside the dead body a squeal of accomplishment escaped from his lips. The breeze around the area started to blow furiously like nature was trying to stop the process and the dark clouds above that point emerged in a a shape of whirlpool. Siddharth got jubiliant and an evil laughter as he saw his victory coming to him got out from his mouth reverberating around the area.

"Now the 60% energy would going to transfer to my mother while 40% after sacrificing Raghav I take. This made my mother not only alive but unstoppable, undefeatable and powerful. And might be kind of immortal as well. " He said like telling it to the nature who he found trying to stop his activities but no use.

"It would take time, let's head inside a let's prepare for the ritual for Raghuveer now. After sacrificing him, me and my mother would conquer this world." He said and sauntered towards the entrance passing the area of circle. Stepping onto the entrance the wood beneath his feet creaked. He opened the door and got welcomed by the darkness. This is the same cabin where Rajeev kept Madhav after kidnapping him. Why this place? No one noticed but this place, and the cave place were actually connected.

Sprinting towards an unknown door located downstairs only he quickly entered in it but his forehead decorated with frown.

"Where is Raghuveer? "
He whispered.

"GUARDS!" He yelled which resultant in a dark smoke emerged from several areas and from those appeared few monsters.

"Yes boss! " They asked nervously.

"Where is my prey? Where is Raghuveer? " Darkness dripped from his voice sending a chill down from the spine of his men. Okay! They don't have a spine. But still a chill ran down

"Boss! As you said we took him to the basement area not here and put a non protest spell on him. " One of them replied.

Sighing in relief yet insecurly he ordered

"Go and get him" Getting the order they disappeared and he glanced outside the window which was having a view of dark forest and the dark night sky decorated with the a moon getting shadowed.

The room was quit dark but suddenly got lit up by the fire light.
Still looking at the beauty of moon getting shadowed he said

"Good that you litted up the room. After all i want to see my prey clearly"

"That's why I lighted the room. Siddharth!" A familiar voice went into his hearing aid and his eyes widened in amazement.

Turning his neck to see in direction of voice, his eyes now get widened much more.
A familiar figure was standing just beside him proudly whose face got highlighted up from the fire he was holding and actually looking towards where Siddharth was previously looking. The scene was totally unexpected as the figure standing there confidently without having any fear in his eyes, with valour and smirk decorating his face

Said words were filled with surprise. How he was standing there when he supposed to be unconscious and weak. The fear should be seen in his eyes.

"Thanks for capturing me" Raghuveer thanked with a smug on his face which caused a frown on Siddharth's face.

He stood their totally confused.
Why the victim is thanking him for being captured.

But his eyes gotten wide as what he saw was unexpected. Totally unexpected.

He rubbed his eyes. As raghuveer brightened up with fire.

"NO! It can't be. How?"

"Surprise! "

There in place of Raghuveer stood his ultimate enemy with a proud smirk whom he hated very much


There stood Madhav. Our great Sakha.

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