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Siddharth's eyes welcomed the sight in front of him which awakened the shock in his mind.

His eyes couldn't leave the sight of Vrinda's utmost beautiful form.
It's like a goddess has invoked in her. Just like she turned the darkness given by him to her into divinity previously. With her closed eyes she was like in a position with spreading her hands to embrace the attack. But the aura around her was golden, it was divine, beautiful. She was sparkling like a goddess. But his eyes caught another figure standing in front of her, the cause of his attack got failed, the most protective energy.

"How dare you to touch her! How dare you to tried to take her divinity! How dare you to HARM HER!" She growled which sent the shiver in the spine of our villain.

"Who are you?" He asked in fear

"Sakhi! Sakhi Laxmi!" Hearing the soft feminine voice the said female turned to her and immediately Vrinda hugged her.
The comfort she needed was finally wrapped around her heart.

But Siddharth being siddharth.

"I know all my past life. Whoever you are, cannot harm me. It's Vrinda who can kill me with Madhav and only Madhav. They both have to do it alone without anyone's help but he is not here" With that he laughed tried to scare bith females.

Note the word 'Tried'

But to his disappointment no one feared, actually no one was paying attention to him. Our poor villain

Sakhi Laxmi on the other hand  being a divine mother comforted her devotee giving all the love and comfort by hugging  her and Vrinda being vrinda invoked her inner child who ranted and actually complaint all of things Siddharth done to her and Madhav.

Listening to every complaint which in reality Sakhi Laxmi knew already she just comforted her baby by rubbing her back and reassuring that no one can harm her. But watching this someone was completely aggravated.

"Hey! Aren't you listening to me? I am talking to both of you" He yelled to grab the attention but still no one payed attention. He gritted his teeth exasperatedly and out of anger he released an energy ball on both of them which to his shock caught by Goodess Laxmi effortlessly.

Goddess Laxmi glared him which scared Siddharth to the core. She cannot be underestimated.

Her glare was enough to kill all the braveness in him. But still he being he.

"Put your gaze down! Remember! You can't kill me and this place is mine. To kill me Vrinda has to be with Madhav who unfortunately to her, not here."
He said with a blend of fear but tried to cover it up with stern sentence

"I am Laxmi! Wife of Lord Naryan means your enemy Madhav. He is not separate from me. I am one with him. I am prsesnt here it means he is as well present here" She said sternly making a comfort spread around the environment like the forest wanted her, wanted to listen to this. A smile made its way onto the lips of Vrinda giving her utmost satisfaction with this sentence that Laxmi and Narayan are one with each other.

"Someone who completes my Sakha, completes me too! I am grateful for this" her mind filled with gratitude and this kind of work like a calling of Madhav

And with that our Goddess showed her real form. The light came out of her blinding Vrinda and Siddharth both making them covering their eyes.

But Siddharth taking it as an opportunity striked another attack by an energy ball to harm Vrinda
But suddenly a peacock feather came into his vision which was circling around Vrinda actually caused the energy ball to disappear.

Siddharth was not out of energy due to the place and energy he got from sacrifice of his own father. Infact he was not even feeling week at all. But right now, a terror inside him took place making him desparate to have Vrinda and made himer divinity his.

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