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"Are you sure you will stay here?" Mohan asked concernly as they reached at vrinda's home and vrinda got out from the car.

"I am very much sure mohan. I have too many sacred things like shell, Water of ganga etc, I know sacred mantras and I have Madhav too" she assured.

"Ohoo! Again Madhav...why do you trust him so much?... don't forget he is also a human"

"I know mohan you are worried for me but don't forget that he had saved my life once. I saw him how he fought with them.."

"But__" vrinda cut mohan off

"Don't worry mohan sir. You don't know him..and if he can't do anything..then don't forget that I know sacred mantras"
"Okk, but don't call me sir" he got assured and told her last sentence in mocking anger.
Vrinda suppressed her tongue in between her teeth as she realized what she said mistakenly.

"Sorry" she said giving him a widest smile.
Mohan smiled back.

"Ok then..take care.."

"Ok bye"

"Bye" mohan greeted her back before he start his car's engine and drove away.

Vrinda was watching him until he was no longer at her line of sight.

She turned on her heels and marched towards the door but stopped on her tracks. Her nose got the smell of something. She tried to recognize by smelling the smell in air again. The smell was of burning. She saw here and there for the source but didn't found anything. Her gaze halted on Madhav's house. Suddenly she heard a loud thud of a Kitchen utensil. Her eyes got widened and she rushed to his house, approched to the door and rang the bell and knocked the door.
"Madhav" she yelled.
No response
She repeated.


She was about to rang the bell again but the door opened suddenly. She stood there still at first and suppressed her lips. She tried to control it but failed and burst out in laughter. She clenched her stomach.

Madhav was standing there with a childish failure expression. Her hairs and face was painted in tomato sauce and cheese.

"Don't laugh ok.." he gave a mock anger in childish voice.

She was laughing out loud.

"Ok ok" she stopped for some seconds but started laughing again

Madhav narrowed his eyebrows in mocking anger.

"Ok ok...what have you done? What are you doing?" She asked giggling.

"Tried to make my dinner to eat but...my dinner ingredients ate me" he said pointing to his face.

She stopped giggling and laughing.

"Don't you know how to do food?" She asked

He shook suppressing his lips. Her eyes got widened.

"Then how could you manage...why haven't you told me before?" She said concernly.

"I can manage...." He said

"No...wait a minute" she opened her bag's chain and took out a rectangular shaped tiffin.

"Eww...it must be staled now"

She smiled sarcastically.

"I have made this at 7 and now it is 9:40, there is only 20 mins left before it will get stale" she informed pointing to her watch.

He took the tiffin and gave her a space to get access in his house. She came inside and he offered her a chair of dining table.

"I'll be back" he said watching to his shirt and made his way inside a room. She got up , sauntered here and there looking the walls and surroundings. She came into the kitchen and saw mess at table and floor. She saw the burnt pan pizza on floor with scattered veggies . Some sauce and cheez was also scattered at floor and some at kitchen table as she saw the opened sauce bottle was lying at kitchen table. She understood each n every scene that Madhav was making some pan pizza which got burned and in process of removing from pan, the pizza might fell down hitting the plate filled with veggies, when he bent to pick that , his hand mistakenly hit the sauce bottle and cheeze plate and all got fell down on him. She heard the quirk sound coming from out of the kitchen which made vrinda to came out of her trail. Madhav came back and she stepped out of the kitchen.
"Seems like I don't have to explain what happened!" He commented.

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