Gotcha Divine Man

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Every single scene happened with her came again in front of her eyes. She can heard the groans of monsters, there conversations filled with rage and revenge, her answers filled with valour and HER SAKHA.

Sleep Sakhi! Now it's my turn

She woke up with a jerk. Her gaze found her in a familiar room.

"What am I doing in Palak's room?" She asked before getting up.

"I was in that villa, when I came here? And how? Where is Sakha?" Questions was filled in her mind.
She lifted her hands and touched her forehead in exasperation. Her eyebrows got furrowed.

"My wound?" She quickly got up and walked in fast pace towards the mirror which was inside the walk in closet. Her eyes got widened as soon as she saw herself in mirror.

"How's that possible? I was wounded. They got healed that fast. It's not possible"

"Vrinda!" She heard Palak's voice coming from bedroom.
Her legs headed towards the room and her eyes found Palak and Madhav with concerned expression which got removed as they saw her fine.

"You are awake. How are you feeling now?" Palak asked normally.

"What happened Palak?"

"We had not seen you in the party so she I, Anant and Siddharth got worried. We found you everywhere and finally found you sleeping here." Madhav explained.

"Anant is here? Why? "

"Yes! He came here as you were not picking up your phone from noon. He wanted to tell something and only to you. He didn't told even me that thing. He is outside right now having dinner." Palak told

"You said you all found me here"

"Yes. Dad told me that you did all arrangement and might be due to that you got tired. So we left you here, sleeping"

"Was I screaming? Or yelling? Or fighting?"

Both frowned

"No. Definitely not, you were sleeping peacefully. What happened Vrinda? I can sense something has happened to you. Even Detective is not telling me. Tell me Vrinda what is happening. I am your best friend. Pinkie Promise I won't tell anyone." Palak said as worry got her mind.

" We won't tell anyone" Madhav added

"Yes! We won't tell anyone"

"Should I told her? I should. She is my bestii after my Sakha and Madhav is also there for me everytime. I should tell them! " She thought in mind and narrated everything making both of their eyes got widened.

"Sakha was there? And where are your wounds? How come they all got healed?" Palak said astonishingly.

"Exactly!" Madhav added shockingly.

"I don't know! I don't know that if this was dream or reality."

"There is only one way to know." Palak said

"What?" Vrinda and Madhav said in unison.

"From the terrace we can see the back area. Let's see if the villa is there or not?"

"It's Not necessary anymore"
They heard a familiar voice which grabed their attention and they turned their heads in his direction.

"Detective Anant! What are you talking about?" Vrinda asked frowning. Her gaze noticed the same suit on his body which the person she thought her Sakha wore.

"Why are you wearing that suit?" She asked suspiciously.

"Palak invited me for party and this is formal masquerade suit. I saw in films."

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