Sakha and Sakhi

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Palak could not believe in her eyes. She was totally surprised and never in her dreams she could imagined that her best friend would going to give this incredible surprise in her whole life.

But this condition was of Vrinda as well. Though she had already saw his Sakha's real self on his birthday but right now to her Sakha was looking so beautiful and emitting brightness that it can't be even compared to the brightness of the crore sun.

Both best friends were so much drowned in love that they forgot their presence and what actually they could not see was the presence of Monster who cannot see Sakha due to his darkness of ignorance.

"I have to kidnap only her best friend but right now I can kidnap both of them. Boss will going to be very happy. Vrinda you should not roam alone with your best friend and weakness in forest area. You did a mistake. " Monster said but frowned as both of them not reacting to his bold dialogue.

"What the hell is happening? Who cares! I should finish my work. " He said and sauntered himself towards both girls but as he touched them his hand started burning and as a reflex he quickly removed it.

"Aaahhh! What the hell?" Burning pain took over his tolerance and he could not see the Sakhi means Vrinda was behind him smirking. He turned around and the Monster man got scared.

"Aah! How? " He turned around and got scared as he saw Vrinda in front of him. He again turned back and widened his eyes as he saw Vrinda was in her previous position. He again turned back and forth just to find two find not one but two Vrinda.

"What the hell? How is it possible? " He got scared. The fragile and sensitive looking girl was actually present in two spots at the same time.

"Now I got it why you are divine. That is why my boss wants you. But seems like I have to forcefully capture you with your friend." Smirk came on his face as Monster ego took over him.

Meanwhile Palak was totally unaware of what's happening. Due to Sakha's magic she only watching Madhav in divine form and not even her best friend so that she didn't get scared from monster and what would going to happen to him.

"Pal Sakhi! Come to me! " He extended his hands to her.

(Aww he is looking so cute in my Brother's attire 😍😍😍😍😍)

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(Aww he is looking so cute in my Brother's attire 😍😍😍😍😍)

She went to him and put her hands onto his. He took a hold of hand and they both went towards the swing tied to the tree near cliff. 


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