Hidden behind Secrets

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Vrinda stretched out her arm yawning as she woke up by her alarm. Her gaze went to Lord Vishnu's painting. She smiled by watching her Lord, her Sakha, her everything. "Gud mrng Sakha" she said clamly and smiled. She watched his lotus eyes in continuation for 1-3 minutes. Her gaze then went to his padmacharan (lotus like legs). She bowed with respect and love as she saw it and got up from the bed. Her eyelids no more felt heavy. She went to her closet, took out the dress she would wear, went to bathroom, brushed, washed her face, and bathed while chanting his names.
This all routine is done in within one hour. She came out from the room and went straight to the home temple. She worshipped her Lord, blew the shell and came out with a copper pot in her hands. She sauntered over to the garden and approached Tulsi plant. She poured the water in it, joined her hands and bowed to it. As she turned on her heels, she stopped and turned back to saw lights of Madhav's house was ON.
She smiled as she thought he woke up early and then madhav came on balcony stretching his hands.
He saw her and a playful anger emerged on his face as his gaze halted on her.

" Ur shell had worked as alarm clock for me" he said.
She laughed at that and he said again

"What! I am not joking!" He said which made vrinda laughed out loud.
After some moment he laughed too at this and they both stopped.

"Gud morning" vrinda said in teasing tone.
"U too" said madhav in mocking tone.

Vrinda laughed at that again.

" I'll see you later" he said in a mocking anger tone and went back into the house.
Vrinda shook her head indicating that he is impossible and went back into the house. She marched to her room, done her hairs, grab her stuff and came downstairs. She sauntered over to the kitchen, made breakfast while imagining her sakha in each n every thing. She dedicate her each work to him. In an unknown room, a man sited on dancing chair smiled. He stood up and approached the window. The cupbord was placed at his right side with a mirror of knee length. In his reflection, he was wearing yellow clothes and divine jwells sparkling from the light of morning and the breeze of air made his hair to came on his face and due to that the side face of him hided. He was Lord Vishnu. His hairs covered his side part too as the breeze came from the left side. He smiled in response to his sakhi. Vrinda felt his smile and his love overwhelmed her. As she was done with the her work, she grabbed her bag and was about to open the door. She was very happy but suddenly she felt that again, but this time, she recognize that the feeling was bad and something bad going to happen which made her disturbe.

"Oh sakha!... What is this? I just don't get it?... Which type of feeling is this? I felt something bad going to happen. Oh Sakha! Plzz give your protection" she got disturbed.

Lord Vishnu got concerned as he saw her disturbed.
"Don't wry sakhi, I'll not let anybody harm you and anyone who don't deserve this type of death" he said in serious tone. The half of the face was covered by his hairs except his sparkling eyes which was filled with determination​, seriousness and anger, which look adorable on him , But was dangerous for evil one who didn't know that he was playing game with him.


"Hello sir! " Said Priyanka on the phone.
Raghav in his house walked over to the balcony.
"Yes Priyanka..." Raghav said on phone to the daughter of victim.

"Sir I want to meet you....at my house" she said on the otherside.

"Yeah sure"

"Now.....I want to meet you now.."

"Bu__" raghav was cut off by her

"I know sir u have to go...but... it's really urgent and I have to tell you something about that undead which I have mentioned previously" she concluded

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