Facing The Danger

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Pain shot through her wrist as Vrinda tried to free  herself from her capturer.
Siddharth was dragging her somewhere unknown. All she could see was an unknown place or more like the forest again. Nothing familiar was there and she couldn't know what was the thing due to which Siddharth refilled his powers. There is more to the story. Something which her mind couldn't grasp.

"LEAVE ME! SAKHA! HELP!" She screamed while struggling a lot in his grip as he was dragging her, which Siddharth found disturbing and annoying.

He ragefully pulled her with force and this time grab her hairs as Vrinda found the opportunity she struck the punch in his face.

"I forgot that you could fight" Siddharth said as Vrinda successfully slipped through his hands and got herself ready to fight.

Before Siddharth can get himself ready she kicked him on his face, making his bloody face all bloody again. This made Siddharth's egoistic surface break and he unleashed his rage on her. Turning  his face towards her Showing his sharp fangs and glinting his lava filled sclera which was glowing in darkness  can send terror to the bravest.

"You think you have an upper hand here, dear Vrinda"
He whispered, and this actually terrified Vrinda. He was definitely doing something to her.

She started backing off as her gaze found him coming towards her slowly like a predator towards his prey. Every step communicates slyness, every crash sound of the dry leaves beneath his foot screams extreme danger. She didn't notice but the place was extremely dark. And why she could see that, it's a mystery. Back that place the place had light, arranged by Siddharth but this one. Nope. Extrem darkness.

But then the mystery was solved. When her gaze found the place utterly familiar. But where did she see, she couldn't get it.
Her eyes were so lost in recognising the place that her senses got no clue where she was heading, and unknowingly she fell in a pit.

"Ram!" Name escaped in place of ouch as her back got hit with the damp rough ground.

"Ah! Sakha! Help!" She whimpered as the pain shot due to fall when she attempted to get up. With pain determining whimpers she got up but immediately got her eyes enlarged in double size as she got to know where she was standing now.

Pit of dead bodies.

"SAKHAAAA!" Scream escaped from her mouth as she faced the horror. Her legs immediately ran but found no way out.
Wherever she goes she only found dead body and no way.
The scene was scary as there was not one or two but the heap of dead bodies everywhere.

Animals to humans to birds and all were bloody and slashed in horrific way. Some were decomposed. Some looks like skeleton with skin still on and some were fresh.

The ground was damp because of the blood coming from fresh dead bodies. Place was stinking she came to know later as nose got blocked due to crying while running.

All she want was Sakha. Only sakha. No one but Sakha, his hug, his warmth, his love, his blanket like embrace which warm her during winters.

"Sakha! Please save me!" She prayed desperately while tears continusly running from her face.

Her crying stucked in her throat as a familiar laugh contained with satisfaction of sadist came in her ears.
Grabbing her attention, her eyes looked towards source coming from upside way and saw Siddharth standing on the edge of pit, laughing in her state.
She cannot take this, only her Sakha can laugh at her as his laugh contains a different love. That laugh made her feel belonged to someone who is one to her. But he, Siddharth, cannot. He has no authority, he has nothing and it's to fear but she would not allow him to give this kind of reaction.
And that's why she came up with best thing. Stoic expression.
Due to which Siddharth got affected as his laugh, his mocking, his taunting , his fear of him was not affecting her a bit.
Negativity feed on negative side.
As you get more and more fearful and negative the more these energies get feed on you.

Siddharth took Vrinda to this place so that he could feed onto her negativity, and through this he could gain powers to actually fight with Sakha.

And he got some powes through the few moments vrinda was on fear.

She was terrorised. She was uncertain, and the mystery of the place screams familiarity ran through her mind, made negative emotions crawl up in her mind and the terror she got after mistakely falling in the pit of dead bodies. Oh the satisfaction and the other level of energy he gained .

It satisfied him a lot as the tears of separation, and terrorism took the olace in her heart. He craved for this moment. This was the moment and perfect state of her mind when he can made her his. And by that means he could take her power and completely took her in his control.

"Aww! Little sakhi got no Sakha now?"
Siddharth laughed to affect her but her stoic expression affected him

The same stoic expression which sakha gave him. Which made the situation feel more uncertain.

"Remember Vrinda! You are here now. Madhav cannot come her. No one can save you so give up. Maybe yiu beg a little so that I can get you out of the pit as well." He said with frustration as Vrinda was not giving him the expression.

No rection. But the amount of power he gained in that short time of her being in fear, was enough for him.

"Oh! Still no begging and stoic attitude! Let's see what will you do now,! Best of luck"

With that he waved his hand and said her good bye.

Vrinda frowned, he left so easily.

Something's wrong. She was lost in thought when someone grabbed her shoulders from back. She didn't reacted but when her eyes fell onto the hand on her shoulder, she screamed. The hand was half decomposed, looking at the back, all the she saw was dead bodies on their legs coming towards her.

"SAKHA!" She screamed as her back collided with the another dead body. But she git frustrated with her negative state now. It's okay to feel that way but after some minutes you need to control that. She did the same, controlling her mind.

"My sakha is my strength. He is already with me, here!" And with that she ounchef the undead very hard immediately sending him back to his long sleep.

She did d same with another and niw fighting with all the dead bodies. The bodies was not fighting her back just wanted to grab her.

Some even successfully did that but she slipped from their grip. And now she slowly started to threw them with her attacks to a particular direction, and with a last punch, her hands threw the undead body of now heap of dead bodies which she made, to get out from the pit.

"Thank you so much siddharth for pulling this stunt"
Saying that she took some steps back and made a quick run towards the heap, climbing up and then after reaching the end she jumped up to found herself then finally out of the pit.

The pit then automatically closed which made Vrinda frowned. Puzzled and uncertain she was standing their but her moment interupted by more monster coming her way. Who grabbed her now.

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