The Truth

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"She told me to meet her." Vrinda told Anant who was sitting beside her. She told Anita that she would told her later.

"Why she wants to meet you?" Anant asked with a puzzled look.

"Don't know. And she told me not to tell you this"

Anant got more confused.

"She might wanted to tell you something, which she afraid to tell us. Where she tell you to meet?"

"At her home"

"And when?"

"In 15 minutes"

"Say yes."


"Trust me. Say yes"

Vrinda suppressed her lips with a thought look and said.



Vrinda reached at Anita's house. Anita told her address after she said 'Yes'. Anant was hiding behind the front wall of the house. He peeked through the main gate and found Vrinda was standing nervous on the path towards the door. She saw back and Anant gestured her to relax and go. She made her way to the door. Nervously, she rang the bell. Anant peeked through the gate and found Vrinda going inside. Uneasiness spread into his heart. With a careful look towards surroundings, he jumped inside from the wall. He reached to the window which was covered with curtains. He peeked through the little space between curtains and the remaining was faded due to the curtain. He found Anita nervously talking with Vrinda. His mobile buzzed in his pocket which he took out and saw the screen showing 'Bro'. He picked that up.

"Bro! Listen! Right now, I am at Anita's house, spying on her. I'll tell you everything later ok"

"Detective!" Anant heard Vrinda's yell came from inside.

"Anant! What happened? What's that scream?" Karanveer asked from another side with worry in his voice.

"I'll call you later Bro" Anant said and hanged up as he ran towards the door and Vrinda opened it for him. He got inside and found Anita on floor with a knife in her stomach. She was alive.

"I don't know how but she went to get water and then after that she screamed and I found her here." Anant's eyes caught opened window.

"The killer wouldn't have gone too far. Vrinda! Call the Ambulance" He commanded as he got up and ran outside through that open window.

"I should call ambulance" Vrinda said to herself and quickly went to the landline placed on side table beside the sofa. She grabbed the receiver and hold it to ears.
"Oh No! Sakha!!" The phone was dead and she got worried.

"Sakhaa! Help me!" She prayed.

"Vrindaaa" Anita groaned. Vrinda heard that and quickly made her way towards Anita's body. She sat down and saw the knife was not allowing the blood got flow out much.

"Vrinda! I want to tell you something before I close my eyes for forever." Anita said breathing heavily.

"Don't worry Miss Anita! We would take you to the hospital"

Anant came back and sat beside Vrinda.
"Have you called the Ambulance?" He asked.

"No! Landline is not working and I don't have phone"

"Why don't you have your Mobile?"

Without any second thought she answered.

"Because it broke down the night when monsters attacked me"

"Monsters??" Anant frowned making Vrinda realized what she said.


"Ok I got it. I should call Ambulance" Anant thought Vrinda was talking about gang. He took his mobile out and went away to inform.

"Vrinda! Listen to me. I want to tell you something." Anita said. Anant came back.

"Mobile is not working. That's strange" Anant said frowning with frustrating voice.

" Listen to me! I don't...have much time. I tell Vrinda but now I have to tell you...too Detective. I want to confess something." Anita told taking heavy breaths.

"I know Miss Anita that you lied to us about Blackmail" Anant told with a comfort in his voice to make her feel relax.

"You know less Detective. I tell you more."

Anant and Vrinda turned their heads to each other and watched each other for some seconds before turning back to her.

"Officer Rajeev...helped me. He cleared records of....Blackmail." Anita told.

"What!" They both said in unison.

"Yes!...Because I know enough..about him. He..murdered your family.... Vrinda"

Anita's words were like bombshell to Vrinda and Anant. Both of their eyes got widened.

"Yes! I heard Meenakshi and Priyanka's....conversation. She said to Priyanka..that Rajeev is...not good. He murder your father. He...can do anything so...she told Priyanka warn...Raghav to be...more careful from Police because in Police and can do anything. One...more thing I know"

"Tell me what you know. Each n Everything" Anant told.

"I was following day when...I came to know that he was...the one about whom...Ma'am was talking about. Ma'am...showed his Priyanka, that's why...I know his appearance. That day, when I followed him, he...stopped in...a very silent...area. I thought...I can get useful information, me to take his clearing my records. And...I did right..thing."

"What did you found?" Anant asked curiously.

"I followed...him to the silent area, but after that...I saw him going into...a big factory or warehouse. I..don't know because... because that looks too old. I have...a pic in my mobile." Vrinda quickly got up and grab her mobile from coffee table. She was searching for pic as Anita was giving information.

"I didn't went...inside because..area was surrounded by...goons. And me best. So...I fell on him..intentionally and...stick a bug transmitter...on him"

Vrinda got the Image of Factory and showed it to her.

"Is it the one?" She asked.

Anita nodded. Vrinda showed it to Anant making him frown.

"What was he doing here?" Anant asked

"Do you know the place?" Vrinda asked.

"Off course! Haven't you noticed?"

Vrinda gave a look to the image. Image seemed her familiar but didn't came in her mind.

"It seems familiar, but I am not able to recognize. Which place is this?"

"When gang at first kidnapped You and Madhav from supermarket, they kept you both here " Anant answered.

"What!" Now the place came in Vrinda's mind.

"What Rajeev was doing there?" Vrinda asked frowning and thinking.

"That day through...bug transmitter I listened his the mens...inside and...came to know that." She took a heavy breath

"What you come to know?" Anita asked softly.

"Rajeev...was the...Gang Leader."

"What!" Anant got shocked along with Vrinda again.

"The Gang who..was after you..and your...friend Madhav."

Both Vrinda and Anant got shocked. They felt like they were sitting on electronic chair and Anita was giving shock to them through her informations.

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