Vrinda is kidnapped

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At night Vrinda was doing Meditation and palak was sleeping. The room was dark and the only source of light was the moon shine coming through window. Suddenly she felt something wrong and due to this her mind got diverted. Suddenly, a thud sound made her eyes got open. She got alerted. Suspiciously, she turned her head in palak's direction and found her sleeping. She sighed. She got up, went to window and saw outside found security on there place. One officer gestured her Thumbs up indicating 'everything is alright' and she smiled back in response. To get some fresh air in open space, she went out of the room.
After sometime,
Palak, who was asleep suddenly woke up due to vrinda's scream.

She saw here and there but not found Vrinda there. She got up, ran out of the room to find her but couldn't find vrinda. Instead, she found officers inside who already came in with gun in their hand.
One officer found absence of there two officers. They were upstairs on roof. Officers got upstairs and found two officers laying on floor unconscious. The rooftop was beautifully decorated with plants. Some plants were hanging in hanging pot, some were placed on boundaries, beside and against them with varities of flowers. A wicker swing was placed just beside the balcony of roof, so that the sitter can enjoy the view.

"I have heard her scream came from rooftop" one officer informed.
"Yes, you are right" other officer agreed.

Suddenly Palak's gaze went to the shining object laying near wicker swing. She went towards the object, bent down and picked that up. Her eyes got widened.

"What happened Ms. Palak? Have you found something?" One officer asked.

She turned to them and showed that object. The object was gold locket of eagle with heart.

"It belongs to vrinda" palak informed.

"She's been kidnapped" she concluded.

In morning, Detective Shekhar was driving.
"Where are you Sir? Why are you not picking up the phone?" he was muttering in tensed tone.
His phone rang in his pocket. He parked the jeep aside and took the phone out expecting rajeev but the screen was showing call from Karanveer. Without any wait, he put his finger on screen to swipe right to answer.

"What!" He got shocked as he listened to the other side.

"I am coming" he replied. He kept his phone back, ignite the engine and sped away through the road.

Shekher reached at forensic lab. He went inside, made his way to the room where the dead bodies was placed. He opened the glass door and found Karanveer there standing beside the dead body. He moved some steps forward and there the bombshell dropped. His eyes got widened in shock.

"Rajeev sir?!" He said not believing the dead body in front of him was of his Boss.

"Who did that?, His enemies? Our killer? Or Gang members?"
Karanveer put the question.

"None of them. I think the person who is obsessed" Shekhar answered.

"What do you mean?" Karanveer asked frowning.

"Where did you find the body?" Shekher asked

"In jungle, near Manihar Road. I was going from that way and find his body laying on the middle of the road. That gave me shock when I saw him lifeless"

"His spine has been broken completely and he died due to serious brain injury" Forensic Expert told.

"It's far away from that place" shekher muttered thinking something which was heard Karanveer. He was filled with frisson of apprehension.

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