Key to Freedom

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Anant was presented in living room with two lady officer.

"You check Daughter's and you Mother's" He commanded lady officers.

As they all went to fulfill the command given, Anant made his towards the working space which was connected to lobby.
The space was not huge but not too small. There was a working office table at a slight far distance from entrance. The walls behind and beside it had book shelves containing every law book glinting the profession. Anant's gaze went on the cupboards and drawers of book shelves and working table. Without wasting any time, he headed towards the table and started his search. He scanned each n every drawer of the table but didn't found the thing related to murders. He turned to book shelves and started searching but got only law books and case studies. He then started searching cupboards with a glint of hope. Each cupboard contained the file related to the cases on the above 3-4,shelfes and personal stuff on bottom. He started searching it. His hand caught a file and when he opened it, he found the file was of case of Daksh Singhaniya and Villagers.
"Meenakshi fought Rahul's father's case?!" He got amazed.
He took that file out and started scanning with his eyes. A smirk of win appeared on his face and with that he closed the file and put that aside. He bent down to get something useful. His hands caught a file which had her school certificates, sports certificates and her graduation certificate. He closed it and kept it aside. His gaze went onto the lower shelf and got a pendrive in a very tiny transparent box mounted to the wall of cupbord. He frowned, took that outand took that with a hope to find some clue. He searched another cupboard and found the case of Mr. purushottam and his wife. He took that one also out, closed the cupboard and took both the files with him and headed out. As he came to lobby, both lady officers also came downstairs.

"Sir we couldn't find any personal diaries" They informed with a slight regretion.

"Then where are the other ones? Are you sure you haven't missed even a small corner?"

"Yes sir. We are 100% sure" The voice glinted confidence

He sighed. After a second an expression of 'I got an idea' emerged on his face. He took his phone out and hit the call button beside the name which read 'Vrinda'.

On second ring she picked the phone up.

"Hey Detective!" She said from other side.

"Vrinda! Hi! How are you?"

"I am good. You say. What's up?"

"I am good too. By the way, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead!"

"If you have to hide your personal diary, where would you hide?"

"If I have to hide it, I would choose the place which is just in front of you, and Priyanka too use to create the secret place which is usually just in front of your eyes"

Anant got surprised.

" How do you know?"

" She was my friend. "

" No No! How do you know that I am asking about Priyanka's personal diary. "

"Because the idea you got is the same I got and I have gussed you would also get the same idea and when you go to find, you might wouldn't find them, and I gussed right"

"Superb! Your guess is 100% accurate. And I got my answer. Let's try your suggestion. TTYL! Oh one minute!, I WANT to tell you a VERY VERY important information. Vrinda I found the pl....Hello?" Before he complete the sentence, the line automatically got cut. He tried once again.

" The number you trying to call is currently Switched Off"

"Oh no! Her mobile's battery must got dead." He cursed

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