Change in Plans

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At night vrinda was in class teaching flute. The flute class was on 2nd floor.

" have to hold it like this" she told setting her fingers position on hole of flute.
Lord vishnu was sitting beside her doing what vrinda had told to students with his flute smiling widely. Vrinda felt his presence not recognizing that someone is none other than but her sakha. But at the same time she was feeling something bad and those two feelings got mixed resulted in confusion in her mind. She ignored it.

"See the huge pic behind you.." she told them and they did as they told. They saw the huge pic of Lord Krishna holding the flute. "See the way he holds that have to do like that..." Then she made a hand gesture of flute firstly of positions of from right to left and then of left to right. She felt something again and paused for a moment but after that she ignored it and continued. That something was none other than lord vishnu's actions of copying her sakhi's actions.
"Just a simple have seen and done this gesture lots of time?! So if you do like this the position of your mid three fingers will be like this" she told. Lord vishnu too did that as she told. The students understood it and succeeded in holding the flute.
She was feeling that feeling continuously and sighed as he failed to ignore it but she didn't stop.
"Now you have to___" she was in the middle but someone intreputed her.

"Vrinda!" Mohan called. She turned her head in his direction.

He gestured her to come

"I'll be right back, you just try to play this from your breath closing all the holes from finger except the last one and open one by one closing the earlier one." she told before leaving the class.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Howzz you now?" he said nervously.

"I am fine...why?..what happened?" She got confused.

"The thing happened on Saturday night and then also you come here" he said

"Mohan...I am a teacher...and this is my duty to come here and teach" she paused for a moment

"Anyways....Good to hear that.. finally u believed me" she said clamly.

"What?? no...I don't believe that the attackers are monsters...I believe that someone have attacked you and they gave you some drug because of which you have hallucinated... listen the two murders have already took place in last three days.. you should be careful" he concluded.

Vrinda sighed defeatedly.

"You are impossible mohan" she said politely.

"Listen..I will drop you today"

"No need to do this...I take my bicycle today from here" she was not very much but little bit intimidated from the thing happened on Saturday night but she trusted her sakha to protect her. She knew he is the Supreme and can do anything. She knew that if he would not protect her there must be a reason for the well of her and others.

"But you are not safe, and I will not leave you until I assured"

"No need to mohan...if you would drop could I even take my bicycle?..I need it for school tomorrow"

"I don't know...I just know that you are not safe here...and I will drop you"

"But moh___" she was cutted off by the ringtone of mohan's mobile.
She nodded to attend that first politely

Mohan took out the mobile and went away from there.

Vrinda went inside the class.

Mohan came outside and said
"How many times I have told you to not to call me on this time, why aren't you listen!" He said not in a scolding manner.

He listened to the other one.

"what!" He shouted slowly. He listened

"But__" he was cut off by the other one

"Okay I'll do it"

And with that he hanged up his phone. He was standing there only in seriousness and then he went inside.

Someone on the roof had watched everything and grinned.

Mohan came inside and went straight to the class of vrinda. He called her out once again and she came out. He rubbed his back of the neck.

She came and stood in front of her. He grinned.

"I will get late it's fixed that you are going with me" he informed.

Vrinda folded her one hand and put the other hand's plam on her head giving an 'I can't win over him' expression by turning her head to the other side like she was saying this to the lord vishnu who was invisible and standing at the other side. She tilted her head like she was putting that on his shoulder. Lord vishnu imitate that.

"I think you got me" he said playfully.

She smiled sarcastically and nodded.

"See you later" mohan said and headed towards the lift. Vrinda smiled and went back to the class.


A dark figure was sitting on a swing swinging with someone. The someone was his partner-in-crime.

"She is so divine. I have felt that divinity today also. The way she got scared is beautiful, but..the way she got angry today is most beautiful than that. " he said to his partner sitting beside him making him confused and he gave a 'what are you talking' look to him

"But...the thing happened on afternoon when I have used that chant on got reflected on Siddharth. How?" He asked in confusion.

"Don't know partner." He sighed

"Where the hell he has gone? If he don't come...I swear I will make this place hell for him" he said in anger.

"We don't know partner...we have send him in afternoon and he have not come back?" His horrible looking partner informed.

He straightened himself and added some kind of black ink into the huge pot filled with water. The water became like a TV screen. He played the flashback of the afternoon. He got Happy as he watched vrinda getting scare, worried, ignorant.
"How cute! She didn't know what's going on" he chuckled evilly.
"Look at this partner... when we kill her.. what will be the expression on her face?" His partner commented. He smirked at this but his eyes got widened. The dark creature saw that "what happened?" He asked.

He was watching the scene of Siddharth feeling unwell and there was peacock feather moving around vrinda like creating a shield around her. He flashbacked that and saw the scene vrinda approching her room and saw the shadow of someone. The someone was another horrible man. Somebody came behind him and make him invisible. "Where has he gone!"
Both partners got frustrated and shocked and flashbacked the scene again. He then reached on the scene of vrinda got scared as she saw that horrible man hanging upside down and ran away from there and got bumped. He saw sid approched them and after a moment vrinda started walking forward. He paused that scene and zoomed it. His eyes got widened.

"Who is he?! What is he upto?" That evil one said to his partner in confusion.
In the zooming picture the lord vishnu's face was hidden by the tree except his mouth and eyes who was holding the beheaded head of that horrible man and watching in their direction and smirking like telling and challenging both of them.

"He was smiling like he knew that we will going to watch it in that order." His partner said as he assumed that the smirk in the starting is the smirk which is given at the end when the work is done.

At this, that evil one gave a serious gaze at lord Vishnu in water and then smirked.

"Now I have CHANGED my mind...I wasn't sure before I am" He said stressing on the word.

"What do you mean?" His partner asked furrowing his eyebrow

He turned his head towards him and grinned slyly.

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