Attempt of Attack

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Detective Rajeev was sitting in his office watching each n every photos of the murder of kidnappers, anant and Karanveer had gave.

"Hmm... according to their watch, this must be the time when attacker attacked them as due to attack the time in the watch has halted"

"Yes sir, and each murder has the gap of less than 1 minute" his assistant Detective Shekhar replied.

"But that place is huge and the first ten bodies was placed at very far distance and the time between their murder is less than thirty seconds. Like at the time of murder they were not so far or maybe together." Rajeev said confusingly.

He started analysing in mind.

"Maybe he placed their bodies at such a far distance to mislead us" shekhar told.

"Then why didn't he place the remaining ten bodies who were found at the room connected to the room where they placed vrinda and madhav."

"Hmm...seems like the murderer is not one. They were more than one, at least 2,3 or....maybe more" assistant told.

"Point. This can be possible. "

"And because of this we can't even guess to whom the murderer is obsessed as he hired some people to do murder"

"Yeah you are right." Detective Rajeev started analysing the situation in his mind.

"As we don't know from whom the murderer is obsessed , so first of all we have to give both of them security, so that the murderer could not kidnap from whom he or she is obsessed and the other gang members could not harm them." Detective took the decision.


"Palak I have made food for you, eat that on time." Vrinda commanded palak while grabbing her stuff for class.

"And it's not request, I am ordering you and you have to follow" she told as palak came to her to give her mobile and vrinda's wallet.

"Ok boss" palak said raising her hand to forehead making sallute pose and standing straight.

They both chuckled.

After that they good bye each other and vrinda left the house riding on her bicycle and enjoying the feel of her sakha in the nature.

She reached class in 15 minutes.

She greeted the staff members but doesn't found Mohan there.

"Where is Mohan sir?" She asked to one of the employee.

"Dunno Vrinda" a female teacher answered.

"Thanx" she said and left the corridor to make her way to the lift.

"Where is he? He didn't even acknowledged me for his absence" she thought as went into lift.

She reached her class and started her work.

Hours later her name was called by a masculine voice.

"You! Where were you?" She asked.

"Actually I thought to pick you up from home as you have gone through the attacks" mohan acknowledged

"Don't worry now. My attacker is dead" she told normally.

"Wow. How? Where? How do you come to know?" Mohan asked astonishingly.

"When you heard who he was! Your astonishment would get increase"

"Who was he?"

"He was....Rahul. My friend"

She told him everything.

"Now you don't have to worry as he is dead and I am safe now. I am going alone. Ok?!" She said.

"Ok. I am assured now." Mohan told giving her permission to go home alone indirectly.

Madhav was sitting on couch with his laptop, doing some work on it. He released a big yawn. His door bell rang. He turned his gaze to door.

Somebody was hiding behind the bushes near the office building, watching vrinda. She was packing her stuff and everybody had already been gone.

"There she is. Now we got the right time"

Vrinda took her stuff and made her way outside the room without locking that. She was walking through the corridor and suddenly felt that somebody was behind her. A chill ran down her spine.

"It's just my imagination. He is dead"

She made her way to stairs and marched downstairs but continuously feeling somebody is behind her and found nobody when she saw back. The lights started flickering. She stopped on her tracks and watched the lights flicker with terror. After a moment her expressions changed.

"If another one is there. Then I am ready to fight." She got determined and was about to turn to go back there to fight with those monsters.

"Vrinda!" Mohan called her. The lights got normal.

"Yes sir! You?" She frowned as she found Officer Anant with mohan.

"He want to ask questions from you."

"Yes officer?"

"We should go to my office. Come!"

After settling in mohan's office, Anant started his question.

"Ms. Vrinda. Had rahul came here, at almost this time, to meet you?"

This made that night's incident struck into vrinda's mind.

"I told him that, in my presence, he didn't, but Siddharth surely came" mohan informed.

"Should I tell him or not? Would he believe?" Vrinda thought.

"Ms. Vrinda?" Anant made vrinda to came out of her thoughts.

"Officer... actually..._____" palak's phone rang at the middle.

"One second" she said before taking out the phone from bag. She saw the screen which read 'Bestie'.

"Excuse me" she excused before picking up the phone.

"Hello palak! I am on____" she was cut off by palak. She listened to her which made her eyes widened.

"What!" She said in shock making anant and mohan frown.

"Don't worry! I am with mohan and officer anant. We are on our way. Don't worry!" She assured and hanged up.

Mohan and Anant came to her.

"What happened? Is she alright?" Mohan asked worriedly

She shook.

"What happened?" Anant asked.

"Somebody attacked madhav"


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