Priyanka's Diary

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Madhav with a confused look sitting beside Vrinda.

"You have got a Vision?" He asked widening his eyes.

"Yeah! Kind of. Because the scene wasn't same. Only the place is similar" Vrinda explained.

"Ok!" Madhav started thinking something and asked again.

"Vrinda! Why don't you just tell this all thing to Detectives?"

"They won't going to believe me. Just like Mohan they would think that I am crazy. I am hallucinating"

"Just give it a try. I also know that thing. I will tell them. I am with you."

Vrinda considered the thing a good idea and gave a slight node.

"You are right. I should try. Maybe that would help them"
The atmosphere got silent again. And after a moment Madhav asked.

"Do you write Diaries?"

Vrinda turned her head to him and shook suppressing her lips.

"Why don't you just start writing a diary? It would help you alot. Not only you can write about your day went but also your secrets, your feeling and your Special" Madhav suggested emphasizing on Special in a teasing manner.

"Not a bad idea. I will write the diary" Vrinda said happily, Ignoring that tease. Just after that, Mohan entered.

"Vrinda! Madhav! How's you feeling now?" Mohan asked.

"I was feeling scared a bit, but it's ok now." Vrinda told

"And I am dizzy" Madhav told

"No worries Madhav! The food is ready. You should fresh 'n' up yourself. " Palak yelled while setting the Meals on dining table with Siddharth.

"She is right. I should. It makes me feel better" Madhav said. Vrinda smiled

"Come with me. I'll show you the washroom." Mohan said and took Madhav with him.

"I should also fresh up" By saying she went upstairs and then into her room.


In evening, Vrinda was sitting on chair of her study table writing in her new diary. Lost in thoughts and not worried about the murders anymore, with a smile on her face she was writing.

"His eyes are magical, mysterious, deep, trying to tell something. When he is with me, I feel safe. I don't know why but my body wanted to embrace him whenever his voice gives me comfort. His suggestions, assurance makes me trust him. I like his company. I feel he is like my Sakha. I think I like him."

Suddenly she stopped and realized something.

"Diary!" She said

"I have Priyanka's diary. How dumb I am! How could you just forget that Vrinda!" Without wasting a second she got up and began searching her book shelves.

"There you are!" She said as her eyes located the spine of Priyanka's diary. She took that out and settled herself on chair again.

"I can get some kind of clue from here that why that monster killed her and why he wants to kill me?" She opened the it and began reading it.

Dear Diary,
Today I fought with Mayoor. Yes, I know I have to control my rage but he is not understanding. Vrinda is trying to break our relationship. I love him but, everytime she came between us. Today she caught us in that room and I am damm sure that she would take this as an advantage. She's wearing the mask of Innocence. Everytime he, Palak and specially Raghav Uncle save her. If she try to break our relationship, I promise you diary that I will forget who she is.

"Raghav Uncle?" She frowned.

"It means she had a personal relation with Raghav Sir"

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