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She can't even react, scream or even shook a bit due to the grip.
The horror replaced the fear and she can't even defend herself. Her eyes could see the evil satisfaction in his red eyes as he saw her struggling.

Again she struck by that weird feeling, couldn't recognize the type and her mind engaged into recognizing it. But, after some seconds her ears got the sound of a car. A car came from another road which was connected to that one and halted in such a position that they are facing the car's driver door and at such a close distance that the man who was standing in front of vrinda threw away and fell to the ground with a thud as the driver opened the door quickly.

A man came out from the driver's seat with charming figure. He was very handsome, had long and thick hairs came to his shoulders which swaying back due to the intensity of air adding five stars in his appearance. He was wearing red checks shirt with sleeveless black hood jacket with the combination of blue denim. His robes fit him so well reveling his perfectly toned muscular body.
The man who was holding vrinda released her and went to attack the driver.

Vrinda fell down with weakness and that driver fought with attackers punched the one directly on face and kicking the other one. As they were beating each other, one attacker started flying in air and attacked the driver, his red eyes gleamed like he was the symbol of evil. The driver wasn't seemed to be defeating so easily and watching them carefully like waiting for their mistake. He alone tackled those servants of devil. As the attacker came down ,the driver quickly grabbed his neck. Another attacker came behind him and grabbed his neck from behind. The one whose neck was in the grip of the driver grabbed his chin but this time driver was powerful and due to this, attackers was loosing. There was an anger in driver's eyes. They both watched each other in their eyes with hands on the neck and other one on his chin. Suddenly the monster saw something in him which made his eyes widened and he let out a scream making the other one confused. He disappeared suddenly making both of them clueless of what happened suddenly. This increased the wrath of other one and he tightened his grip around the driver's neck. Driver hit him with elbow on his torso and when he bent with pain, driver hit him hard on his face. His grips got loosened and driver pulled the attacker in front of him and was about to punch him on face but he too saw something and disappeared suddenly leaving the driver clueless.

Vrinda watched all the scene sitting on ground weakly and was about to got unconscious.

Driver saw around for attackers and his eyes landed on Vrinda who was about fell on ground in dizziness.

"Omg!" He said while rushing to her.

He bent down and placed his both hands on shoulder to support her. Vrinda felt something. Again that weird feeling. But she ignored because she felt that everyday now a days and couldn't recognize the type.

"Are you alright? Oh no! You got wounds. Stand slowly!" he said concernly while supporting her to stand her on legs. He held her one hand. Vrinda placed her one hand on his shoulder and used other one to hold his hand. She trembled at first but managed to stand up.

"Slowly, slowly" he said while supporting her to walk making their way to the car.
He opened the passenger seat and supported her to sit inside. As she settled down comfortably, he closed the door and went to driver's seat and settled down too.

"Thanks! " she greeted with heart but with weak voice.

"Oh don't worry about it. Might be in future you can help me too in getting what want. " He said

"But nobody can see what future holds for you. Might be I will not see you after this night. "

"Point! So! Thank you accepted along with great philosophy"
On this sentence Vrinda chuckled as what she said was not a philosophy but a fact according to her.

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