Unfolding Situation

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A chuckle left Madhav's beautiful mouth as he saw the reaction of our villain.
"Don't stress your mind much Siddharth!I tell you everything " he offered with a sarcastic smile.


"Shh! We Don't want others to wake up now do we?! " A male voice chimed in Palak's ears and some tears escaped from her eyes when she found herself captured.

On the other hand a humongous army near the barrier was testing what it was and at the same time the excitement of killing the prey grew wide as they touched the yellow sphere. Slowly slowly the monsters started to fill inside the yellow sphere.
But as they came inside,  automatically they got unconscious. And the scene has been witnessed by none other than captive Palak. Her mouth was still covered with the unknown hand and why tears were dripping from her face because of horrific scene in front of her. The lady which she recognised Anita from her back turned around confirming her doubts. Indeed it was Anita, who smiled watching her captured with unknown person. But Palak's eyes widened as she saw the transformation of Anita into a familiar man.

Now the situation dawned upon her.
"I am releasing. Please do not scream ok Sakhi"  A familiar masculine voice sent a relaxation in her heart quickly assuring her she was safe.

As soon as the hand released her mouth she quickly hugged him without any explanation as she know that he can divide himself in forms and on porch standing his another form.

The name escaped her mouth with a blend of relief

"My dear Sakhi! See I am fine" Madhav assured her embracing her frame.

"What's happening? What is all this? Madhav! Vrinda... she is kidnapped, along with Raghuveer uncle and....-"

"Relax Sakhi! Relax first. First let me do my work and then I will explain everything" He cut her off to make her calm down.

Quickly he converted those monsters into family members, Anita, Palak and some random  people. With remaining ones, he converted their form into the monsters which personally Siddharth doesn't like. Witnessing this surprise covered the mind of Palak.

"I know there are loads of questions inside you right now. But just know that Vrinda is safe. I have divided my form and one is with her". He explained while taking her towards the swing area and made her sit.
Hearing this, palak got amazed and at the same time relieved too. Her sigh was a sign that her heavy heart got free from worry. But the next question strike in her mind.

"I know I was skeptical of Anita since the night of the attack.But are you the one into her form? I don't get it" Palak asked completely confused.

"From the night where Monster attacked us, Anita was not with us. In her disguise was the same monster." The revelation made her eyes widened. Before she could ask further Sakha continued.

"Siddharth sent him. He kidnapped Anita but she is safe now too. I exchanged the monster who is unconscious with real Anita. And right in place of Anita, the monster in disguise himself is hostage. He couldn't utter a word due to my magic, to even reveal that he is not real Anita. Siddharth is planning to kill her, but he doesn't know whom he is going to kill is his own monster and I here gave those monsters your form for the same reason. He is planning to kill all of you to gain control over Vrinda's mind" He finished explaining accompanying it with a wink which complimented his beautiful smile.

Amazement was a small word to describe her surprising state. A blend of the emotion that she was impressed with his plan was clearly twinkling in her eyes. Internally she was fangirling him.

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