Help The Author

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Hey guyzzz!

Audience or I can say Krishna lovers:
Here comes the author guyzz. Get her. She is not publishing further


Me: Hey! Listen! OMK! *ran away*
Krishna: Don't involve me. I am Out of it.

Me: Please help!

Krishna: Ok! Ok! You promise me you will not scold me of eating your Nutella.

Me: Ok I will not. Please help!

Krishna appears in front of audience.

Krishna: What happen guyzz?

Everyone: She is not publishing further.

Krishna: Sorry from her behalf guyzz coz *whispers* she is half minded.

Um.. I mean... She is stuck with ending. And I guess she wanna ask you guyzz something as well.

Me: Ok so I was saying.
That I am stuck with ending. Not getting options. So here I am discontinuing this.

*Krishna is now pulling my ear*
Me: ouch! I am sorry bro! I am sorry! Iam sorry! Please! I was just joking! Seriously! I am sorrryyyyyyyy!



Me: Sorry! For this terrible joke.
But I am asking you guyzz

Who want that Krishna to be the Vrinda's not best friend lover but THE lover.

So vote

Best Friend


Choose the option.

And yes I am gonna publish the next chapter soon.

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