Fight with Monster

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The figure was dressed in black and his eyes gleamed red. Rage came on Vrinda's face. She knew that the figure was of a Monster again.

"How dare he attacked on my Friend!" She said in mind.

The figure was standing just behind the partition and put his finger to the glass. The glass started creaking from that area. They both shocked. The cracks got bigger and within a moment, the glass shattered into big pieces.
"Vrinda!" Anant rushed towards Vrinda and covered her like a shield by bending her down along with himself showing the back in the direction of figure. Glasses fell on their back first and then down, but didn't pierced in their skin. They stood up and quickly turned in that direction back but found nobody in that area.

"Where has he gone?" Anant asked swiveling his head.

They turned at their back while finding and found a Monster standing just in front of them. His face was horrible with big scrathes on cheeks which was open enough exposing his teeths. Anant got terrified and Vrinda screamed due to his sudden presence.


The name hurt Monster making him bent a little in pain and back off some steps. He groaned. But as the pain gone he straighten himself. The rage came on his face and his eyes gleamed red. Anant eyes got widened showing he didn't saw that horrible thing in his life. The Monster came towards them in a fast pace. Before Vrinda could do something, Monster pushed her aside and grabbed Anant's neck to choke him. Vrinda landed on the floor with a thud. Monster pinned Anant down on floor. Anant was in agony. Suddenly Monsters nails started increasing piercing Anant's neck. Anant tried to punch the monster in protest but he grabbed his hand and pinned it also down. Vrinda quickly stood up, rushed in that direction and kicked the monster very hard with all her strength which made him leave Anant's neck and got threw aside the room. She quickly supported Anant to stood up and settled him on sofa. Anant was coughing and breathing heavily. Blood was dripping from his neck. She took her hankerchief out from pocket and put that on neck to stop the blood.

"Are you alright?" She asked in fret.
Anant nodded tiredly holding Vrinda's hand which was on his wound. Monster stood up. His eyes gleamed again and his canines got increased with very sharp ends. Anant's eyes got widened as he saw the sharp fangs came out. Vrinda turned in that direction. She saw what Anant's eyes watching. Rage came on her face. She took her hand off from neck, straightened herself, joined her hands and closed her eyes with a brave look. Puzzled Anant didn't got a clue of what's happening. She started chanting in a clam pace.

"Oh Sakha! Protect us! Om Vishnave Namah. Om Vishnave Namah. Om Vishnave Namah. Om Vishnave Namah"

Monster screamed in pain. She heard that horrible painful scream but didn't stop. The Chanting not only decreased her fear but increased her valour also. Suddenly she felt something Divine. A blend of that unknown feeling and Divinity.

"Stop!" The monster yelled but Vrinda didn't care. Suddenly the scream vanished. She frowned, opened her eyes and found no one. She swiveled her head to find the Monster but her eyes halt on unconscious Anant instead.

"Anant!" She called with worry. She tapped her face to wake him up. Anant slowly slowly opened his eyes and swiveled in a slow motion not finding the Monster.

"What happen? Where is the monster?" He asked tiredly as he stood up in quick pace not expecting the normal environment.

"I don't know. Are you alright?" Vrinda asked worriedly. Anant nodded.

Suddenly the door burst opened and they both got scared. They sighed when they saw Karanveer entered.

"Anant! Vrinda! Are you alright?" Karanveer asked with a bit worry while they all coming towards each other.

"Yeah bro! We are fine. Thank god you come" Anant said.
"What happened? What is this?" Karanveer asked with fret when he saw the blood on his neck.

"When I tell you what happened you would not believe me Bro" Anant said.

His and Vrinda's eyes went on Karanveer's back.

"Madhav!" They both said in unison as they didn't expected his presence.

"When you cut my call, I got tensed and made my way to this area but my jeep got punctured in the middle suddenly and fortunately, he was passing from there and gave lift. I have tried your phone but it is switched off. Thank you Madhav." Karanveer explained and greeted Madhav pleasurely as he saw his brother alright.

"Detective! Anita is alive but serious. We have to take her to the hospital" Vrinda told in a quick pace. Everyone agreed and made there way towards Anita. As they reached, Anant felt some liquid droplets dropped on his hand. He saw it and frowned.

He saw above to locate the source and his eyes got widened.

"Brother!" Anant called and gestured through his finger to the area. Karanveer and all heard him and saw where he was pointing. Everybody's eyes got widened as they saw huge Bloody letters written on ceiling which read.

'Vrinda is Mine'.


Mohan was talking on phone while heading out towards his car from his office.
"Yeah! I am coming. I'll reach on time. See you there"
He hanged up and settled down on driver seat. He took a deep breath before make engine came alive and drove through the road.


Anant, Vrinda and Madhav was in car heading towards the cafe on Madhav's suggestion to make them relax after sticking bandage on Anant's neck and admitting Anita into hospital. Karanveer was in hospital and told Anant to go with Vrinda and Madhav after they saw those bloody letters.

After fivteen minutes, they reached to Cafe Nirvana. Anant and Vrinda moved out from car and Madhav drove to parking area. Anant found the time right and asked.

"May I ask you something?"

Vrinda nodded.

"What was that? That fear, when Anita told us to go, without wasting anytime you took me and ran towards the exit. As if, you know what she was talking about. And when I saw the Monster I was shocked but you, you were not shocked, you were...affraid, just affraid. And that anger when you saw him before he came in front of us?" Anant asked.

Vrinda sighed, lowered her head and nodded without looking into his eyes. She thought that this is the right time and even Madhav was also with them. Her eyes then went to face him.

"You are right. I tell you each n everything." Vrinda said with a serious look.

"Tell him everything after we settle down inside." Madhav came there and said in a cheerful way making Vrinda smiled widely.

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