Dead Body

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"Have you done your homework?" Palak asked sitting beside vrinda in class.

Vrinda shook.

"What! You..vrinda... haven't complete your homework!" Palak astonished.

"Actually I was not feeling well and my head was aching yesterday, not because of what happened at noon, but because of tiredness and all" vrinda explained.

Siddharth turned around in their direction as he heard the reason of vrinda. He make a 'what are you saying' expression as he knew the cause behind her undone homework. Vikki widened her eyes and shook her head in response of Siddharth gesturing 'just don't tell her'.

Siddharth made a weird face to rectify his expression and said.

"Really! Howzz you feeling now?"

"Yeah..if you are not feeling well than you may just go" palak told.

"Don't worry both of you..I am feeling absolutely fine"

"Are you sure?" Palak asked in disbelief narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah pal..I am absolutely fine" vrinda assured cheerfully.

Palak sighed in relief.

The bell rang and after 5 minutes Raghav entered in class. The students stood up to greet him and set down as he told.

"Students, before beginning, I have to tell you something, your Junior, Priyanka chouhaan has been died yesterday morning" Raghav announced the news which made every students eyes widened in surprise.

"She and her mom has been murdered and police is doing investigation. She was stubborn, but very brilliant and sweet student. May their soul rest in peace" after some minutes of silence raghav asked.

"Where is rahul?"

"Don't know sir. I haven't even saw him after the noon" Siddharth explained.

"Is he know that today is the submission date of assignment?" Raghav asked.

"Yes sir, he know that"

"Hmm..ok...tell him if he will not submit his assignment tomorrow onwards then he will get the remark of late submission"

"Yes sir, I will tell him after the school"

Vrinda frowned and whispered enough to interact palak and Siddharth

"Have he told you anything about his leave" She asked

"No...he didn't even call me" Siddharth replied in whisper.

"And he don't use to call me, but he had not told me anything yesterday about his today's leave" palak whispered.

Creases formed at vrinda's forehead

"Strange" she thought

"Vrinda" raghav called.

"Yes sir?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes sir..I am fine" he asked as he saw her fatigue.

"No sir..she is not, she is ill since yesterday" palak interrupted.

"Vrinda if you are not feeling well then you may go to medical room" raghav told.

"I have asked you because I saw you out of energy which doesn't seem good" he added

"No sir..I am absolutely fine,I was ill yesterday sir and due to that, I haven't completed your homework" she said nervously.

"Oh! Don't worry vrinda, you are the girl who have first incomplete homework of my subject. Don't worry, I will forgive you this time because your were ill and I can see that on your face"

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