Trials of Bonds: Unyielding Love and Friendship

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As the first rays of dawn gently kissed the horizon, awakening the world from its slumber, the other stirred awake, from their deep slumber, the remnants of their dreams still lingering in their minds. Stretching and yawning, they slowly roused themselves watching each other in confusion in search of answers of the question previous night had etched in their mind.

Raghuveer's fatherly insticts kicked in as his eyes couldn't find her beloved daughter in sight. On the other hand, Karanveer, Aaditya, Mohan and Anant got a double shock pushing all the logics aside when their eyes found Raghuveer instead of Madhav.

Before Raghuveer apprase himself from the embrace of his comfortable bed others questions and confusion with a blend of relief engulf him.

"Raghuveer! Oh my god you are safe thank god" Gratitude left the lips of Mohan, followed by the kashyap brothers
"Sir! Are you alright? Are you feeling well?" Anant asked which still seemed fine to Raghuveer but the information given by Aaditya sent him into the maze of confusion.
"Bhaiya! Where were you, we searched your existence in whole house last night."
The turmoil of confusion worsened in Raghuveer's head as the frown danced on his forehead and blending up with the dread of his daughter's absence.

"But wait! Where is Madhav? He was here last night" Mohan asked as the situation of last night dawned upon him snatching him away from his relief of his best friend's safety.

"Wait! What do you all mean? I fainted last evening in front of you. What's happening? And....where is Vrinda?" Raghuveer showers his worry with the blend of fear due to the complete uncertainty feeling the fog around his mind curtaining him up from the clarity.

But as the black fog of dread due to uncertainty, confusion and obliviousness could cover his mind up the light poured upon to it clearing his way as the desired soft femenine voice called him

"DAD!" Vrinda entered making all of their heads turned into her direction. Alongwith her standing the duo Madhav and Palak. Their expression scream jubilance. Without any wait she rushed towards her father, embracing his bulky figure from her lean frame creating a tight loop of warmth.

"Everything is Over. Siddharth is no more. We won." She instantly poured the  information with the jubilance as she pulled herself back yet not detaching herself completely from her father.

Surprise sparkles in their eyes along with blend of various emotions. A dominant emotion of being happy can be seen with a tint of confusion as various questions come into mind.
They just can't help but watch the duo in awe.

"You defeated Siddharth?"

"What has happened?"

"How it has happened?"

"Vrinda you are not joking right?"

"Exactly Vrinda! Tell us all what happened?" The husky voice of a certain male who is having a teasing smile interrupted taking the attention of Vrinda and everyone.

"Madhav! Are you oK? How are you feeling?" Anant asked as everyone acknowledged his presence in their intellect. But Raghuveer having the swirls of emotions swirling around his mind. His voice laced with confusion, he asked.

"What's happening? Vrinda what are you saying? And Madhav?what happened to you?" Raghuveer asked. Voice laced with  desperateness to get the answers.

Madhav saw the expression and feelings clearly like a transparent water getting unfold. Lots of words due to surprising news which crashed their mind like an ocean wave, washing their fear away yet making everything messy in their head. He smirked knowing the moment was going to be tis way.

"What transpired while we slumbered? It feels as though I've missed a pivotal moment." He asked acting like a puzzled one like others. Vrinda and palak turned towards him and saw the slight smirk dancing on his lips as a tease.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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