Sakha to the Rescue

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Karanveer's steps made the tapping sound as he walked through the non slippery white floor of the hospital and made his way towards the room. He opened the door as he reached and his glare found a nurse nursing Anita.

"Hi Detective!"

"Hey Anita!" He replied

Nurse came towards the door and Karanveer shifted aside enough to give her space to go. After she gone he made way towards Anita

"You called! Doctor said"

"Yes Detective! I forgot to give a news...about Rajeev"

"I am hearing"

"Actually, one night I called him, to make sure he cleared all my records." She said and got ashamed.

"Don't worry! You are now helping us. Forget your past and continue." Karanveer said

"After our conversation, I think he forgot to cut the call and I heard strange sounds and laugh. He talked to a man and said he wanted to talk him about Raghuveer Raghuvanshi and said he doubted that he is not dead. I think at that time he was at Master Mind's residence."

"Oh my god! Rajeev went to his house!"

"After ending conversation with Master mind he got out as I can hear his footsteps and fading of strange and horrible sounds. As he got into his jeep he said he knew Vrinda is Raghuveer's daughter and can kill him. He also knew that he is after Vrinda to get her and if the master mind comes to know that who she is, he will not gonna kill her, but first get her and then use some of her energy and DNA to make his mother Alive. And that is why he kidnapped Vrinda so that he can blackmail him"

"That's shocking. Rajeev could did this I haven't even imagined. Anita! Which night you heard all this? We can trace the location based on your calls."

"I guess the night before Madhav's kidnapping"

"You don't know Anita! But you helped us alot with this information. Get well soon! I'll see you later"

After hearing satisfactory reply from her Karanveer headed towards the door and then towards the lift while making a call to his team.
He then instructed them to trace the location and then hanged up after entering inside the lift.


Nothing had happened to Madhav and one week had passed. She was with Madhav in his house, doing his protection. But Vrinda was not satisfied with the situation that nothing happened. The night before Janmashtmi came and the excitement of next day could not be explained.
But with that her mind also engaged in the imagination she imagined on Friendship day and the monster's words of her Sakha in disguise.

"Who are you Sakha? " She asked

"Anant? Mohan? Dad? Siddharth? Madhav? Or..... "

Her mind got strucked with the image of Gopa devi and Mohini.

"Or Palak? Why not? Sakha took female disguise as well. Besides, she is close to me as my Sakha. She knows everything about me, she is the one who never betrayed me."

Her phone rang. The ID read anant as she took her mobile.

"Hey Vrinda! What's up?"

"Hey! Nothing! Just sitting in front of Madhav, doing his protection"

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