Bigger than Murder

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An hour after coming from Madhav's, Vrinda marched towards kitchen, then to refrigerator and took a bowl of milk out. She poured it in the glass which she took out from the kitchen drawer and offered it to her Sakha. Lord Vishnu was sitting on swing, swinging with Lord Sheshnaag and smiling widely exposing his perfect white teeth as he saw his Sakhi relesing the celestial vibes which was absorbing by his Sakhi 's heart. The taste of pure milk started dissolving in his tounge too, making it's way down to the throat and then to his stomach as his Sakhi started drinking the milk. In one breath she finished her milk which not only satified her stomach but also his Sakha's. Both let the breathe escape after finishing the milk. The gaze of Lord Sheshnaag was watching his lord enjoying the bhog offered by his devotee.

"Seems like, the bhog(food offered to god) was very tasty. What you got?"

"The milk" Sakha answered.

"That's it!?"

"Yeah! That's it!" He said casually.

"But your other devotees offered you tasty foods, why didn't you ate them?"

"I accept even only that milk, which is given by love. But I don't accept even chappan bhog(the food contain 56 vairities) which is not offered by love"

"You are accepting her milk, then why aren't you showing yourself to her? And Why are you still let that monster disturb your Sakhi's life? Why aren't you killing him now ? It's enough Lord. I know because you need Sakhi' help this time but.. but she is afraid Lord." Lord Sheshnaag said as concern got him best.

"I know brother, but have you noticed in Anita's house how she kicked and faced that Monster!? Have you noticed how determination and valour flowed through her veins when she saw that Monster there?! your eyes are not seeing what I can see" Lord Vishnu said decorating his mesmerising dusky face with smile like a lotus bloomed during evening.

"She was fighting.."

"With her fear" Lord said completeing Lord Sheshnaag's sentence.
"Which is slowly slowly going away. Alongwith this, her love towards me in her heart is getting deep. The time is coming, when my Sakhi herself recognise me. I can hide from her eyes, but not from her heart." He continued

"But what about power? She is not even having the proper power"

"Due to the Love, The Power is increasing Lord. That monster is unknown about what a Lover specially who Loves me can do. My Love is her power and her love is mine. This power will destroy the power of hatred, ignorance and it's darkness"

He replied with confidence locking his Celestial gaze coated with love to his Sakhi, who had sat in meditation with her hands joined, letting her mind completely calm down and lost in her Sakha.
A male figure rang a doorbell in dawn. The door got opened.

"Detective Anant! What made you come to my doorsteps in this early morning? Come inside" Raghav said frowning and gave access to Anant in house. Anant smiled tried to not to show worry on his face.

After they settled on couch, Raghav asked.
"You are looking happy but Worry about something is consuming you Anant?"

"This case is full of surprises sir. I came here to show you this picture and tell you somethings about this case" He took his mobile out from his pocket and showed the image of sketch of a man around age of 26.

"Do you know him?" He asked

"Exactly! He is servant Ramu. Where did you find him?"

"He is the murderer of Rahul" Anant revealed putting his phone back into his pocket.

"My student Rahul? That monster's partner? But he was murdered by the monster itself."

"No sir! He was first murdered by Raamu and then his body got possessed by some kind of another monster through... black magic" Anant said as he started playing with his ring by pulling and pushing back the ring.

"Oh! So Priyanka wanted to tell that day about this undead"

"Priyanka wanted to tell about this undead?" Anant didn't understood.

"Actually the morning when Priyanka got murdered, I told you that she called me that's why I went there"

Anant nodded.

"She called me because she came to know about an undead. That time I couldn't told you due to the result it would bring. Remember what Madhav told about undead?"


"I think Priyanka came to know about that Rahul was undead, that's why she called me. But Raamu did black magic? I didn't understand. "

"No sir! I think that baby did"

"Possible! From where did you find this information?"

"Actually Big bro had found the Rahul's ID on social media and from there we found his friend, who witnessed Rahul's murder"

"That's excellent job. But why did he killed Rahul. Oh yeah! Black magicians can do anything on anyone."

"No sir, actually Rammu had some personal issues with Rahul's family" Anant said playing with ring

Raghav frowned.

"Personal issues?"

Anant summerized whole story to Raghav, and even told that Meenakshi fought the case of Daksh Singhaniya which made Raghav stupefied.

"Meenakshi didn't told me about this. But this is not bothering info, the thing bothering me is her safety"

"Don't worry sir! I will not let anybody harm her."
Raghav in response raised one eyebrow with a slight smirk.
"I..I mean we. I and Big bro... and off course you and Aditya Sir wouldn't let anybody harm her." Anant corrected himself nervously.

"Where is Aditya Sir?"

"He is sleeping right now. The whole night he was awake doing investigation on his new case."
The monster who attacked Vrinda at Anita was walking in the corridor, which was silent. The corridor had ceiling lights and the walls were white and a blue strip line was painted on it. On his whole way his nostrils only got the smell of different chemicals and medications. The corridor leaded him to the room with a label beside it, which read 'Morgue'. He grinned slyly as he reached to the intended destination and without wasting anytime he started walking in fast pace. The doors which were labelled 'Morgue' opened automatically and with a sly grin on face, he went inside.
Anant got interrupted by his phone buze. He took that out watching the screen showing BIG BRO and slide the screen to answer.

"Bad news Bro! " Karanveer said from other side.

"Don't tell me there is another murder Brother!"

He listened to his Brother and reacted by widened his eyes

"What? Hey Mahadev!" Astonishment got him best.

"We will figure that out. Don't worry" He assure the person and hanged up.

"What happened Anant? Is there another murder? " Raghav asked with worry.

"No Sir! It's bigger than that"


"Someone stole Rahul's dead body from Morgue"

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