Plan Successful

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Siddharth was not reacting at all. But a smirk came on his lips as he was the one behind the vanishing of Raghuveer. He ordered his minions to take Raghav away from there without Vrinda knowing it, because he could sense the power of the devotee of that Sakha, and instructed them put him in the small cabin where he gonna perform a ritual to make his mother alive.
For the time being he was cautious and careful for his next moves. Vrinda for him was the sun by using which he could gain the solar system but if not, the human manifestation of big plasma ball would gonna destroy him.
He chose Vrinda's 18th birthday for the reason. Her energy is high, she entered in new phase of life and of course lunar eclipse. He could not only make his mother alive but make her more powerful by taking the divinity of Vrinda.
His mind started to filled with pride slowly as he observe his activities and let out a praise for him in whisper.

"You are such a sly fox Siddhartha. Plan Successful!"

He then resume his conversations with Vrinda to break her, by breaking her mind.

"Don't worry my lovely friend! He is safe wherever he is " He tried to make Vrinda see that it's all her fault. And self blaming leads to self hate.

"Friend! " She scoffed.

"Do you know it's meaning.How bold of you to assume that I am your friend. Who can't stay loyal to his friends calling me a friend."

"Of course you are my friend because you don't know that how much useful you are for me. You are the one who's gonna help me in making my plan successful. After all it's all your mistakes which lead your friends,your father, your family in this condition. You even walked here without thinking that your sakha is unconscious and can't protect your family,and because of his unconsciousness the safety barrier has become weak. "

"I think you guys are like to live in delusion. I must give you a chance to proove it. But I must remind you of your previous activities related to me and analysing that it was my Sakha who got successful and no doubt with your help.
You are such a fool and nothing but crack head. "

By this she again proved Siddharth wrong in breaking her mind. He was not liking that all his plan worked but breaking her was not working at all and this made him impatient

"Mind your toung Vrinda. Don't forget you are in my territory, my area. You and your Sakha can't do anything to me"



Siddharth screamed as Vrinda broke his nose. He was on ground due to unexpected hard punch she just gave him.

"Vrindaa! Stop it. "I am the monster, the villain here. At least respect me. You are doing cheating with me. Play fair"

He said childishly almost started to sniff like a kid got outsmarted in game and he lost it.

He was just warning her but Vrinda made her move.


She punched him again.

Now his aura changed suddenly to darkness. His eyes got hatred and turned his sclera into the lava.

"How dare you just punched me!"

He said furiously while getting up and fast forwarding towards the said girl.
When reaching near he raised his hands to grab her hairs to show her place that who is powerful here. But she stopped his hands instead, grabbed his fist quickly, twisted it so that now he is facing his back and now she grabbed his hairs. She next quickly dragged him towards the same platform and smashed his head on it.
Her moves were so fast that he barely had any time to defend. He did mistake. By underestimating her.
His head is not bloody but he definitely got a red bump where he got hit. She smashed it again.

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