Monster and Raghuveer

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"Hello Detective!" Karanveer greeted as Shekhar came in hospital on the call of Karanveer. Curosity got him best which is glinting in his walking pace. He caught worry in his eyes.

"What happened Officer? Is there any serious you find about my case?" He asked curiously. Karanveer nodded with a bit worry of how would he tell him about the monster.

"Will he believe me?" He thought

"What? Tell me." Shekhar asked when Karanveer didn't replied.

"Anita, the suspect of my case, told me that the killer of Meenakshi and Rajeev is same."

"Wow! You got a new lead Detective"

"Yeah believe me or not but... the murderer is not a mere serial killer" He contiued worriedly.

"What do you mean not a mere serial killer?" Shekhar asked frowning.

"Means that he is not a....human, he is a monster and... obsessed with Vrinda"

Shekhar stayed still, waiting for Karanveer to say it's a joke. But Karanveer didn't said anything like that and he caught that look on his face.

"I know it's hard to believe but, that's the truth. I am not joking. Today he attacked my brother, Vrinda and Anita. He almost killed Anita but fortunately, she survived and now is in ICU"

Shekhar's eyes got widened as the realization filled in his mind

"You mean a Real Monster, which use to show in Mythology?"

Karanveer nodded "I am afraid it yes"

"What about Detective Anant and Vrinda? Are they Ok?" Shekher asked worriedly with a widened eyes as he heard about attack on both.

"They both are absolutely alright. Don't worry!"

Shekher sighed in relief.

"But now we have to find and deal with that Monster" Karanveer concluded determinely.
Vrinda was standing and waiting for his Father's answer alongwith Anant and Madhav. Again that foreign feeling struck her. Her father's silence and now that feeling both mingling together to puzzle her mind. Confused with lot's of questions and feelings she stood there, ignoring the feelings and just focusing on her father. Suddenly she started feeling dizziness. Her eyelids started getting heavier with a tick tock of every second.

"No! Not right now. I have enough energy to stand and listen to my dad that why he took this step? Why he is living like this? Why he is not using his Power, Power of Police force, Power of his honesty? Why? I have to get the answer of this first. Later on I will deal with that foreign feeling, but first I have to deal with this dizziness and get the answers" She thought and made her body to stand still successfully unfocused her mind from foreign feeling and dizziness.

"For your protection Vrinda, for the protection of innocent people, I have choose this life." Raghav answered after thinking much about prons and cons for leaking this information.

"For her Protection?" Anant asked frowning.

"Because of that Monster" Raghav answered.

"Dad! You know the Monster?" Vrinda asked suspiciously.

Raghav nodded with a 'Yes! I knew him' look, making Anant,Vrinda and Madhav's eyes widened.

"The Monster who is after you is the one, who tried to kill us. He is the reason of your mother's death. He is the one who filled our farm house with flames."

Anant, Vrinda and Madhav got astonished.

"Fortunately, I have made a secret emergency passage below the house which opened in the jungle behind our house"

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