Truth of Rahul

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"Go with your team and check the house of Mother and daughter. I need other diaries also" Anant commanded his team on phone while walking through the corridor heading towards Karanveer's cabin. He cut the call after hearing yes from his team member and as he reached there he opened the door.

"What did you got Big Bro? What have you found? " Anant asked curiously. His gaze caught an unknown boy sitting in front of his brother on chair and the separation between them was the official desk with laptop and files organized perfectly.

"Hey Bro! Meet Shrinath, he is an old friend of Rahul"

"Rahul's friend? How did you found his friend? Every information we got from school leaded us to dead end. Even Vrinda and Palak also don't know about him much"

"Don't underestimate us Anant. You and I are best. The world is now on many social media sites. So I thought to check social media and found his Instagram account. In that I found many photos of his standing with him, from the tags I found his friend's name and you know searching part is not that hard for me." Karanveer said with a slight pride in his voice while Anant was watching him with his mouth open.

"You have done this much research! But when?"

"When you were with your crush!" Karanveer teased.

"Cr... cr.. crush bro?! What are you talking?!" Anant said smiling nervously while scratching his neck.

"Common little brother! I am your Big Bro. I know about it."
Karanveer said in a teasing manner with a secret wink he threw when Shrinath was not looking.

Anant blushed which was not long lasted as Karanveer spoke again.

"Anyways, Shrinath is an old friend of Rahul and an owner of his property now. He claims that, Rahul is already dead, before his Murder" He continued. Astonishment got Anant best. He could not believe what he heard.

"Dead before Murder?" He asked unbelieving.

"I too got astonished. But as you know about our case, it's very different as compared to previous. Rahul was the son of a businessman Daksh Singhania, who, in very less time became very wealthy. His business faced loss only, and then in very less time he earned so much profit that he not only covered his losses but also settled down his all the debts. " Karanveer informed leaning back on his comfortable office chair.

"Rahul helped him a lot in his business when he was just 15 years old. He earned that profit because he and Rahul cheated villagers of nearby village, became the owner of their property and started his business. The Villagers actually planting the opium illegally and when Rahul saw the profit in it, he with his father greeded them, became the owner and earned so much profit. He gave very less amount of profit to villagers and one day he didn't shared and.... murdered them. They didn't got caught because they have removed all the proofs and succeeded in proving that they all commit suicide because they felt guilty on cheating them by not informing that they were doing illegal plantation." Shrinath informed.

"Oh! Then someone from the village or there relatives murdered them?" Anant asked curiously.

"One villager, who was not there at the time of murder, when he came back he, I don't know how, found the Rahul as murderer and murdered him."

"Only Him?"

"Yeah! Rahul's father actually died in an accident when he was 20"

Anant frowned.

"20? But he was 17."

"This case is full of surprises Anant. The body of Rahul we found is also 21 years old, which proves this boy's point."

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