Place from Dream

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"Guyzz are you alright? Siddharth? You?" Anant asked frowning as he didn't expected him.

"Actually I was passing from the forest area and heard her scream" Siddharth told.

"Ok! Madhav! What happened to you?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I think he didn't eat anything from past two days" Siddharth told.

Madhav nodded. "He is right"

"Ok! Don't worry! You are safe. Common, now you all come with me" Anant told
He and Siddharth helped Madhav to get up and they all stalked towards the cave to get out. All three moved inside but before stepping inside Vrinda turned around and took the last view of the area.

"Vrinda! What happen?" Siddharth asked from inside as he didn't found her with them.

She turned around and said
"Nothing". She then stepped inside. Anant felt something, but ignored as he saw the condition of Madhav. The monster was standing beside the stone altar watching them going outside and turned his palm into fist.


"Detective Anant!" A voice chimed from outside the cave as they all stepped outside.

"Detective Shekhar! They all are alright, but Madhav got ill due to lack of food and water" Anant told.

Shekhar was standing outside with other members of his team.

"Thank you Anant for informing me."

"Have you arrest Rajeev?" Madhav asked.

Vrinda and Siddharth frowned.

"Rajeev? But why?" Vrinda asked.

"I tell you, Rajeev kidnapped Madhav. And he was going to do something wrong with him. But we haven't arrested him"

"Why?" Siddharth asked

"I'll tell you everything later on, but first of all. I'll drop you home. Madhav is not alright. He needs rest" Ananat concluded and asked Shekhar

"Detective Shekhar if you don't mind, I'll drop them?"

"Yeah sure detective. We would take statement later on. Me and my team would collect evidences from here"


Madhav, Vrinda and Siddharth was sitting on the passenger seat of jeep in that order and Anant was sitting beside officer who was driving it.

"Detective Anant! Why Rajeev should be arrested? And yhy haven't you arrested him?" Siddharth asked breaking the silence and making atmosphere filled with tension

"Because he has been murdered"

Anant informed. Vrinda, Madhav and Siddharth got shocked widening their eyes in response. Anant then turned around to face them.

"What! It means whoevere it is obsessed with Madhav" Siddharth said.

"No Siddharth!" Anant said making three of them frown.

"Actually we have found another dead body in the jungle"

"Yes! There was a dead body. I got collided with it but, in fear I just even didn't touched it and....ran away" Vrinda said in shame as she doesn't not faced it.

"It's ok! I can understand. That scene must be terrific for you" Anant said making Vrinda nod.

"That dead body was of Mayoor." He continued.

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