Using His love Against Him

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"Now now now! The wait is over. Finally! Finally you are in my control. Finally you are mine." He said with an evil laugh which echoed around the Dark forest.

But his mind got clicked with an idea

The said girl holding that ethereal man in her rageful hold turned her head towards the sound.

"Take this man here, bind him with the platform. And do the honour, and sacrifice him" He ordered with an evil smirk.

The monsters who were left on Siddharth's side and monster's who were sitting beside Sakha were now shocked.

Using his own love against him. The best revenge, the best kill.

"Who the hell are you to order me?! " The ferious voice echoed in the surrounding. Sakha who was standing stoic in hold of his own love turned his attention to the vibe his love was emitting.

And he saw a slight upward curve on her lips as he gazed aside. To him, it was a new creep. Whomsoever witness what he saw, that being could literally feel the intensity of chill. An intensity which could give birth to a new terror of unknown.

"You want him. And I want him too. He is MINE. What would I get in return? As far as I remember I killed your men here. " She replied making siddharth surprised.

"I AM your LORD. I created you. You should bow to me and don't talk back otherwise there would be the consequences which you don't like my dark love"

She tightened her hold around sakha.

"What if I don't want to follow your orders" She challenged

"Oh then I can bring the old Vrinda back, and still easily make her divinity mine and kill this man here. And you certainly don't want it because if she came back, you will gonna loose which I guess you don't want right"

"How are you so sure you can make her divinity yours easily? " She scoffed and continued

"If you could make her easily yours, why do you Need me. "

"You are so naive. You think you can easily get out of here? I have a whole army I can still make her mine. Meanwhile half of my army already conquered there safe zone and... " He paused, turning his gaze towards sakha who suddenly wore frown on his head.

"I have your, oh sorry! Vrinda's dear best friend Palak with me" He completed earning a loud gasp from Madhav.

"Dear divine man, your safety barrier was not that strong. It's really easy to crush it down" Completing the sentence he released a victorious laugh.

"Where are others? " Sakha asked Worriedly.

"I have them as well" He replied with the same smile

"You are lying. You don't have others" Sakha said making Siddharth frown like he got caught.

"Shall I show you then will you believe? "

"No need, I am not at all interested. He is mine and I am taking him"

"No! Stop right there and you better don't test me otherwise you will have yo fave consequences"

"Are you challenging me!? "

"Consider it warning! "

"You are looking like a puppy here whose bone I snatched away"

The said thing followed by a musical laugh which no one especially Siddharth was not expecting.  Vrinda turned her gaze towards the delighdul music she heard and found rhe owner of that laugh.
Madhav was giggling in the death hold of her own lover. Not scared, nothing and just enjoying the delivery of conversation between them.

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