Feelings which are still Unknown

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The time is up and vrinda was grabbing her stuff. Students and few staff members had gone already​. She strolled over to the door, came out of the classroom and closed it.

"Good bye" staff members greeted

"Bye" vrinda greeted back.

Everybody had gone. The corridor became silent. She walked in the corridor and suddenly the landline phone placed in some room rang. She frowned. She walked slowly tried to locate the sound of phone by watching each n every room. She halted beside one room and turned to face it. The phone stopped ringing. She shrugged and turned on her heels but suddenly the phone rang again.
'Why is somebody ringing on this phone? Why don't they give a call to mohan?' she thought. The rooms in the corridor were not locked. She opened the door, entered inside and switched the lights ON. She locate the phone and approched it. She picked it up.
"Hello" she said.
No response


Again no response.


"Vrindaaaa" somebody whispered as he cut vrinda off. Vrinda's eyes got widened

"Who is it?" She asked apprehensively.

"Your life is in DANGER." he whispered again stressing on the word 'danger' and then he laughed.

She put the phone down exasperatedly. She wasn't feared by that and prepared herself to face that monster. And suddenly it dawned on her. "It's a trap maybe". She whispered to herself. She was not intimidated but not to get trapped she spinned on her heels, rushed towards the door and was about to exit it but door got closed.
She knocked it.
"Open the door" she yelled and knocked again.

"Mohan" she yelled but nobody responded. She turned on her heels and look around but found nobody. She took a deep breath like preparing herself to face that. She made her way to the phone and picked that up to call mohan but frowned as that wasn't working and put the phone down apprehensively. She was halfly turned around ,suddenly an horrible man came in front of her. She was about to scream at his sudden appearance but he covered her mouth with his very ugly and horrible hands with sharp nails so that she cannot throw sacred mantra and backed her against the wall. The lights started flickering.

"Shhhh......do you afraid of me!" he grinned slyly.

Vrinda tried to speak but only muffled voice came out. She shook her head making his laugh escape from his mouth . She tried to hit him with her hand but he caught it and pined that aside.

"Don't you dare to do that...got it?!... Don't. You. Dare" he commanded and his red eyes glinted as he got angry.

"It's not my mistake, I have warned you... it's your turn now. You are thinking that why only you, why haven't I choose any other?" He said. She was just watching him bravely but with a little terror.

"Ans me... haven't you think that?" He asked her clamly

She didn't respond.

"Ans me!" He commanded and his red eyes glinted again making the lights flickered more fastly.

She nodded without any fear.

He laughed.

"I have already killed two...and now....I will kill you to achieve my object" he whispered and laughed evilly. He opened his mouth and his upper canines converted into fangs. She got affraid at this. The lights in the room suddenly started flickering.

She suddenly striked with an idea and pretended as she widened her eyes like she saw someone very horrible. He frowned at this and saw at back. She took that advantage and hit him with her another hand. He groned and his grips got loosened. The lights stopped flickering and the door's lock got open as he groaned. She ran out of the class room. She forgot that time to chant Sacred mantra in fear.

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