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In a dark room, a guy was sitting on chair. Suddenly his phone ranged, he took his mobile out. The screen was showing message notification from 'RB'. He opened the message which read

"The work is done. Now, we have to wait for our next step. And we will catch up at 6 pm. I need to talk to you."

The man grinned slyly which was clearly spotted by the light coming from the window. He texted back

"As you wish RB"

As the message showed sign of deliver, a laugh escaped from his mouth.

"No one can save you now...Vrinda"
And again his deep mysterious laugh
reverberated around the room.


"How are you feeling now?" Siddharth asked to vrinda, who is now sitting on the sofa beside palak.

She nodded.

"Please increase your volume. I can't hear you" palak said jokingly.

Vrinda gave a death stare to palak.

Siddharth giggled in by watching both.

Vrinda then turned her face to him and gave same death stare.

He stopped giggling.

"Don't you both dare" she warned mockingly.

"Oh hey! I can hear what she said. Did you heard that too?" Palak again asked mockingly.

"Yeah..but still the voice is low. Can you please increase the volume vrinda"

"You two!" Vrinda stood up and started finding something by watching here and there.

"Sid run!" Palak yelled

Vrinda couldn't find anything and ended up with cusion.

"Now I have to manage from you" she said holding cusion in front of her face.

"You two! Stop there right now. I will kill you" and she started running after them.

Lord Vishnu came in front of her. She halted by sudden feeling of someone's presence in front of her, which gave her relaxing and soothing feelings.

"Why have you stopped vrinda! Come! Hit me" Siddharth yelled.

Vrinda turned her head in Sidhartha's direction and stroked him directly on his face through cusion.

"Ouch!" Vrinda said in mocking tone and started laughing which made Lord Vishnu started smiling on laugh. She was feeling him continuously and smiled.

"You are my Energy, my feelings, my smile, my happiness oh sakha!" She said in her mind which Lord Vishnu got and smiled widely.


In evening, the guy was sitting in restaurant where he was commanded to come and wait for him.

"Where is he? He is punctual but this time he is late by 10 minutes"

The restaurant door opened and a hooded man came inside

"Here he is" the guy whispered as he saw him.
The hooded man sat down in front of the guy.

"Where were you RB? What do you want to talk? And why you want to talk to here?"

RB took his tablet out, opened a video and turned the screen to him.

"This! In this video, your evil stare and your threatening words is scene clearly."

"But I can't hear the words I said. And at that time my voice is very low"

Sakha (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now