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Federal capital territory,


"Adda Naisa let's go, we are getting late for school". Amrah shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

"I'm coming Amrah, chill". I shouted back wearing my watch.

I heard her groan. "Adda you're making us late again" she whined.

"Grow up Amrah, let's go" I said picking my black backpack from the couch. Switching off all the electronics in my room, I closed the door shut and made my way downstairs.

"Wait a minute Sakeena, where are you going without eating breakfast?" Mamie said coming out from the kitchen.

"School Mamie, we're getting late" I said looking at the time on my watch.

"You are not going anywhere young lady till you eat" Mamie said with a stern voice throwing a glare at me. Every debate I have planned in my head to protest ran away. Okay, I'll eat" I said serving myself some crisp fried potatoes and scrambled eggs.

"Hurry up Adda, we're getting late" Amrah whined again.

"One more word from you about us being late and I swear you'll receive a slap this early morning." I threatened, her whines are starting to get annoying.

I attend Gaat International School, I'm a 10th grader.

At exactly 7:15am, we got to school right in time for assembly, Lord knows how much I hate assembly. Standing for long minutes hearing the same speech being repeated over and over again every week, I'll pass.

"Hey girls" I said as I spotted Maymuna and Safiya at the entrance of the school hall where assembly usually takes place every Monday and Thursday.

"Hey" they all said in unison.

"Sakeena you're late to school today." Safiyya said.

"Why is everyone saying I'm late today, besides I'm not that late." I answered.

"You girls should stop the chit chat and go in for assembly." A deep voice said behind us. I know who the voice belongs to, it gives me butterflies, fluttering in my stomach making me feel ticklish and giddy.

"Let's go in girls" I said, awkwardly adjusting my backpack on my shoulders.

"Let me help you with that" he said collecting my backpack.

"My brother is so deeply in love with my best friend, makes me want to puke." Maymuna said with a fake gagging sound making me blush.

Maymuna is my best friend, we have known each other since diapers, we attended kindergarten together, from grade one till grade ten now together. Imran (Maymuna's elder brother) and I have been dating for three months now. He's literally the sweetest. He's a 12th grader which makes him my senior and also he is the head boy.

"Now you girls go in while I drop your bag in your class for you." He winked giving me his charming dangerous breathtaking smile.

"Thank you" I whispered in audibly and passed him the bad  still blushing.

"Awwn, she's shy." the ladies teased making me blush even harder.

After 20 minutes, assembly was finally over and we all head to our various classrooms. We all are in grade 10. Our first period is history, the teacher came and our class started.

After three more periods, it was finally break time. The girls and I headed to the cafeteria to grab something to munch on while chatting on the way.

"Hey babe" I heard Imran's voice behind me.

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