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Federal capital territory,


"Aren't you going for the naming ceremony?" Maymuna asked me when we were sitting in the classroom.

"I'll go after school, Amma was busy before we left for school this morning. It's taking place at our house" I said taking large gulps of water.

"So we'll meet up later?" she said.

"Yeah" I said taking off me boots.

"I heard what happened the day before yesterday with my brother, he came home so angry and was shouting you are only his and breaking stuff in his room" she said staring at me while I raised a brow at her confused.

"What happened with your brother?"

"Wait, you never knew Imran went to your house on Saturday?"

"I knew he went we met him when we came back from Adda Sameera's but did anything happened between him and Khalifa?"

"He once told me that he always sees you with Khalifa. He asked me if there's anything between you two but I only tell him you're just friends. Sakeena I know my brother can be so violent so watch out" she said with concern lacing her voice.

"Ok but Khalifa didn't tell me anything and I also don't know when he left" I said remembering when he walked passed me without saying a word. So that was what happened.

"Coming to think of it my brother started loving for real when he lost you"

"Good for him, I'm married" I said rolling my eyes.

"Look who's saying she's married now. If it was a month weeks ago you'll bring heaven and Earth together" she said laughing at me.

"Will you please stop?" I said slightly annoyed. Just then Safiyya and Habiba walked into the changing room.

"Where were you girls?" I asked them after they both settled down.

"Someone here got into a fight with those snitches" Habiba said nudging Safiyya by the shoulder.

"You mean Asma'u and her minions?" Maymuna said taking off her shoes also.

"If not then then who? I really can't wait for the day I'll get to strangle that bitch's neck" she said with gritted teeth, nose flaring.

"Hey! Calm down" I said seeing how angry she was.

"After all she did the previous term she still has the audacity to stay something bad about you, did you even know what she said?" Safiyya said hissing loudly.

"So this is all about me. I don't know what she said and I don't even want to know" I said tying my hair with a scrunchie.

"The next time she says anything about any of you again, she gonna get it from me" she said uncapping a bottle of water.

"It's nice to know you've got our back but they're not even worth it" I said standing up. "Let's change before everybody comes back" I said entering one of the cubicles and draw the curtain closed.

We both got changed back into our school uniforms and went to drop our bags in the classroom. We later then headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

We all got ourselves something to eat and sat down on the round table we usually sit at. We were so engrossed in our conversation and meal when someone cleared his throat behind us.

"You girls are on our spot" Asma'u said chewing gum loudly.

"This is our table" Safiyya said rolling her eyes at them.

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