Fifty six.

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Not Edited!!!

Dakahlia Governorate,

"Cheers." The sound of glass is heard at they collided gently. "Everything is going according to plan, Khalifa will finish up the rest for us for sure." He gulped down the champagne while Haaya smirked happiness bubbling inside of her as she finally got the revenge she wanted, and he made it all easier for her.

"Their feelings are so strong that it'll finish them once and for all." Haaya laughed lightly. "Good riddance." She gulped out the rest of the champagne in the glass she held. Her heart has been tainted with evil inside out. If she can't have her happy ending, Khalifa and Sakeena won't as well.

"We just have to give Fahad a little push, his anger played a huge role in our plans. I think he also deserves a little reward." The man voiced his thoughts. "That little childhood crush of his, she's an excellent bait don't you think?" Haaya nodded as she thought of Maymuna, perfect!

He looked at Haaya out of the corner of his eye and smirked. Her heart is so painted that she couldn't see how she's being used by him. He just have to get what he wants and he'll finish her off as well. He raised her, trained her and kept her hidden all these years while leaving them all under the impression that she's gone, dead.

He poisoned her mind with so much hatred and despise for her own family and now her hatred for them is what's destroying all of them. He also knows he'll barely make it out in the end but when he goes own, he takes them all with him.


"Surprise." The girls barged into the Sakeena's room startling her. Maymuna's  grin fell at the sight of Sakeena who looks like she's seen better days. She quickly hugged Sakeena who started sobbing. "Don't you like our surprise?" Safiyya asked as she held her hand.

The rest of the girls also sat down on the bed. "I just miss you guys." Sakeena wiped her face and plastered a fake smile. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Where have you been?" Habiba asked.

Sakeena's out of words to reply Habiba. "She hasn't been in the country for a while." Maymuna came to her rescue even though it's partially a lie. "Sakeena has been in Egypt for a while enjoying her time and has forgotten about us." Maymuna feigned pain.

"You know I'll never forget you guys." Sakeena gave them all a hug. Her life has been a rollercoaster that she's forgotten about these amazing souls in her life which quickly reminded her of school that she's missing out a lot on.

"Doesn't matter now that you're here with us." Habiba voiced. "You haven't been in school since it opened."

Safiyya groaned. "That school has made my life nothing but hell. Grade 11 isn't it all I tell ya." They all laughed at her knowing how she hates school so much.

"Shut up." Maymuna smacked her. "The day you start to like school pigs will fly."

"It is a day that we'll all never witness." They all laughed out loud at Safiyya's reply who rolled her eyes sarcastically.

Their laughter died down and Sakeena felt something has been lifted off her chest. She hasn't laughed heartedly in a while because of the misery she's trapped in. Even though she neglected them, they still came back to cheer her and she couldn't ask for better amazing friends turned sisters.

"Get ready Naisa, we're going out to hang and it's just us, no fifth wheel." Safeway directed her statement at Maymuna who glared at her.

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