Fifty nine.

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The smell of weed hung in the air as smoke clouded the room. A dim lightbulb flickered, providing light into the room illuminating a worn out table and chair, and a large glass box. The two human beings in the room lurked in the shadows, talking in hushed tones.

"You finally have her. What do you plan on doing next?" Haaya asked, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet.

"What I have been planning for the past four years now." He chuckled darkly. "They just won't know what will hit them." He smacked the bottom of the cigar on an ash tray killing the flame.

He smiled maliciously knowing everything is working out in his favour. The three phases of his well schemed plan are complete, time for the final phase, the annihilation stage where at least one person dies. Anger and hatred runs fast in his blood, he is hungry for their blood, revenge is the only thing on his mind.

He has been in the shadows planning every part of his plans, getting acquaintances, allies, baits and scapegoats. He watched carefully how their routine went day in day out until they moved. Granted locating them was hard but he never once quitted. Every nook and cranny of his heart is filled with loathe and despise for the El-Bahd family especially the twins, Adara and Arwa or as she likes to call herself, Ruqayya.

Knowing he now has the two last living blood of Arwa in his hands, he will make them all dance to his tunes and destroy them slowly and gradually till they beg for their lives. He also knows he'll barely make it out alive but at least he knows that he has made them suffer greatly like he vowed to.

"You don't have to pretend to be Haaya anymore. She's long gone. You can stop using her identity now." He told the naïve young girl whom he considered mainly as a scapegoat in all his plans.

"Finally." She squealed. "I can go back to using my real identity and show them who I really am." She smirked, imagining their shocked faces once she reveals her true identity to them.

She turned her attention back to Sakeena. "When will the sedative wear off?" She asked.

He look at the watch on his wrist and replied. "Any minute from now."

"Y'know you never told me why you hate that family so much and why you took Sakeena from them. Wouldn't hurting Khalifa, Fadeel or any other person in the family hurt them more?" She asked the question that has been running in her mind for a long time.

"Mind your business girl." He voiced harshly. "Believe it or not Sakeena is a big part of their lives they'll sacrifice to protect. Hurting Sakeena will inflict an indescribable amount of pain to them." He grinned evilly.

"But why? What relevancy does she hold in their lives? She's not even a part of them in the first place." The imposter who posed as Haaya asked further warning a growl from him.

"Mind your business." He yelled, his voice echoing in the room.

Haaya raised her hands in surrender sarcastically and let him be. "You need to control your temper man." She muttered under her breath inaudibly.


Chaos erupted in the Abubakar Mustapha household. They were all restless especially Amma who passed out twice. The PI is currently questioning the gateman because he's the only person who's seen Khalifa and Sakeena's exit from the house.

"At what time did they go out?" Felix, the private investigator Abba called asked.

"After asr." The gateman answered.

"Did they tell you where they're going?" Felix asked.

The gateman shook his head no and returned his gaze to the ground. Felix scribbled a couple of information on his notepad and continued with the questioning. "With which car did they go out?"

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