Thirty seven.

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Cairo, Egypt.

As they all exited the car, many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and whatnot were there with arms wide open to welcome them. The El-Bahd family have always been known for their closeness that most of them live in the family mansion.

The mansion is big enough to accommodate many members of the family although their family members aren't that much. Many of the kids grew up knowing one another, went to the same school and whatnot.

Hajiya Ruqayya though didn't stay in the family mansion after she got married and had kids. Her husband, Alhaji Abubakar Mustapha built an apartment for his family behind the family mansion, with a door connecting to the mansion through the backyard.

He wanted his kids to live a comfortable life at the same time wants his kids to grow up with the family. Everything changed when they had to move back to Nigeria after the incident.

Hajiya Ruqayya was the only one among her siblings who got married to a Nigerian. Matchmaking in their family is a common thing but it's not forced upon everyone in the family.

Hajiya Ruqayya rushed into her mother's open arms, hugging her tight. The old woman has a smile adorning her face, wrinkles appearing around her eyes. "I've missed you so much mama" Hajiya Ruqayya whispered in Arabic, not ready to let go of her mother.

"I've missed you too habibti" it has always been what her mother calls her rubbing off on her that she also developed the habit of calling Sameera and Sakeena also with, mostly Sakeena.

"You can let go of her now and hug your big sisters" Dalia, Hajiya Ruqayya's older sister who is also a doctor said making her younger sister jump on her. She hugged her other two sisters, Asiya -Farah's mother- and Arwa.

The entire family have smiles adorning their faces, showering the newly arrived members with hugs and kisses.

Sakeena though, stayed behind, watching how the family members are joyous to see them. She smiled, her heart fluttering at the sight of Khalifa together with his cousins hugging him, the smile on his face not wavering.

The hugging and handshaking ended. Hajiya Ruqayya faced her mother and smiled. "Mama, meet Sakeena" all eyes fell on her, making her squirm under their gazes.

Hajiya Ruqayya motion for Sakeena to come closer.  She did, taking slow steps. The old woman pulls Sakeena in a warm hug, which brought a smile to everyone's face. When they pulled away, the old woman place a hand on Sakeena's cheek, caressing it softly. Tears well up in her eyes but she didn't let them fall. Instead, she rapidly blinked them back. Hajiya Ruqayya's sisters also hugged her tightly, except one who turned around and enter the house, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The family members threw her retreating back pitiful glances till she disappeared from their views. "Why don't you go and rest? You must be exhausted from the flight, food will be brought to you all" Dalia said her smile not wavering. Her happiness knows no bounds because she's finally seeing her sister.

They all enter the mansion, going through the backyard then through a small gate that leads to their house. Hajiya Ruqayya showed Sakeena the room she will be staying. "This used to be Khalifa's room but you can stay here since he'll be lodging in the boy's section"

Sakeena smiled, answering with an okay. She closed the door after her Amma walked out then turned around and took in the environment she's now in. The room is literally black, just like the one in Nigeria except the one in Nigeria is bigger prior to the whole house in Nigeria being much bigger.

Sakeena dropped her bag on the bed, falling together with the bag. All she wants to do is take a warm bubble bath and rest her aching muscles. She walked towards two doors and opened the first one that leads into a large closet. She closed it back up and opened the one beside it which reveals a sparkling white bathroom.

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